Cerar answered four questions, three posed by the opposition MPs, and one from the coalition. Foto: BoBo
Cerar answered four questions, three posed by the opposition MPs, and one from the coalition. Foto: BoBo

Cerar explained that twice very thorough discussions on privatisation have already been held in the National Assembly, and both times professional, legal and political reasons confirmed that the continuation of privatisation was justified. But he admitted that concerns are justifiable. In his opinion three main criteria should be considered: transparency, the adequacy of price, and a buyer with a strategic development model which among other includes new jobs.

The government will present to the National Assembly its proposal for the strategy of management of the state property which is being intensively prepared, something which has not been done by any other government, although it should have been.

Continuing privatisation is important for the credibility of Slovenia
PM admitted that objections against sale are occurring within the coalition, but the government position remains unchanged, which is of decisive importance for the credibility of our state, both in legal capacity and in the political field. He reminded the MPs of the recent upgrading of Slovenia credit ratings.

Cerar announced adoption of national strategy in health care
When asked about the preparations of structural measures in health care, Cerar answered that both Minister in charge and he support the changes leading to the substantial upgrading of the healthcare system. The main goal is to offer even better services to patients, and better working conditions for healthcare workers. He announced the adoption of the resolution on the national healthcare plan for the period 2016-2025, and explained that presently analyses are being made, with cooperation of foreign experts, which should establish what exactly should be done. Both the government and the Ministry of Health are preparing a draft of the law amendment on health care and health insurance, which PM labelled as 'a great venture'.

He announced the completion of the new emergency centres, implementation of the e-Zdravje (e-Health) project, and centralisation of public procurements as much as possible.
"We will not rush into the reform, but will introduce it with caution," PM assured. He announced the first steps in this field would be felt this year, while the fundamental changes require more time, i.e. a certain number of years.

What are government plans for increased growth and employment?
When asked about the measures for increasing growth and employment, boosting investment into infrastructure, and attracting new investments into new jobs in order to maintain the encouraging course, Cerar answered that the government considers that it is of key importance to keep and increase the economic growth, and to exploit Slovenia's advantages – wood, water, and favourable geostrategic position which should be finally taken advantage off. He also mentioned the upgrading of railways, including the construction of the second track; the government also intends to study the possibilities for constructing the third development axis.

He added that they intend to improve the business environment, and to 'open' Slovenia by eliminating a number of administrative obstacles. He emphasized the startup of investments, and reminded that a number of projects had been entered into the so-called Junker's bundle.

B. V., T. H., translated by G. K.