In 1725 Franc Jelovšek painted antependiums (painted or carved altar frontals) with images of saints at the church in Trzin. Foto: Direktorat za kulturno dediščino
In 1725 Franc Jelovšek painted antependiums (painted or carved altar frontals) with images of saints at the church in Trzin. Foto: Direktorat za kulturno dediščino

Franc Jelovšek (1700-1764) is considered the most important Slovenian fresco painter. The frescoes from the Zalog castle are especially famous for their profane iconography, as all the remaining known frescoes made by Jelovšek are adoring sacral buildings.
In 1725 he painted antependiums (painted or carved altar frontals) with images of saints at the church in Trzin. His frescoes can be found in the chapel of Codelli Castle in Ljubljana, St. Peter's Church in Ljubljana, the church in Skaručna, and the church on Sladka Gora.

The title of the exhibition of frescoes which will be presented to the modern public for the first time is Here, far from worries /Works of art salvaged from the site of fire at the Zalog near Moravče castle. The exhibition will be open in the Ljubljana City Museum from June 13 to September 24.

P. G., MMC; translated by G. K.