The organizers stress that anyone considering getting a tattoo should carefully think about the motif and the decision to get the tattoo in the first place. Foto: BoBo
The organizers stress that anyone considering getting a tattoo should carefully think about the motif and the decision to get the tattoo in the first place. Foto: BoBo

The International Tattoo Convention is an event where tattoo artists showcase their work, while body art enthusiasts can get into contact with artists, show them their motifs, and examine their work. More than 80 artists from Slovenia, Austria, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Russia, Norway, Hungary, Denmark, and Switzerland took part in the event.

The organizers believe that the conventions are important for several reasons: they allow artists to familiarize themselves with the work of other artists and share their experience, while learning about new trends, techniques, methods, and tools of the field. Meanwhile, the competitive part of the event ranks the creations based on evaluations by an impartial jury.
Organizers add that tattoo artists consider awards from the convention to be as important as medals are to athletes. They represent an acknowledgement of the art, as well as more visibility, which results in a higher market price for their services. The tattoo artists compete in several categories: small and large tattoos, color and black-and-white tattoos, as well as tattoos featuring animal motifs, skeletons, and ornaments. On Sunday, the best tattoo artist of the event was selected, as was the best artist as chosen by the audience.
The selection of the tattoo must be carefully considered

The organizers stress that anyone considering getting a tattoo should carefully think about the motif and the decision to get the tattoo in the first place. After all, the tattoo is permanent, while skin changes over time. Both the motif and the location are important – that's why children cannot get tattoos. The selection of the tattoo artist is also crucial. Anyone who doesn't have a tattoo parlor or is working without a permit should be avoided.

Not every tattoo artist is suitable for just any task, since each artist has his own style; some specialize in realistic motifs, while other excel in portraying animals.