The names of the candidates for new government ministers will be known by Monday. Foto: BoBo
The names of the candidates for new government ministers will be known by Monday. Foto: BoBo

The names of the candidates for new government ministers will be known by Monday at the latest. The LMŠ informs that their minister candidates will not be members of their party and that talks with potential candidates are still ongoing. Other parties are also still debating the names of their candidates.

The head of the SD deputy group, Matjaž Han, explained that during the negotiations the SD accepted everything that was offered to them. "The impression is that we lost and that we’re very bad negotiators. I don’t know who the winner in this story is. I know that together we can all be winners, if we do something good for the country," he said. According to Han it is of minor significance "who will distribute millions and who will have a bigger influence on the economy".

"We assess, that in such constellations, the government could function for a certain period," said the head of the SMC deputy group Igor Zorčič. He explained that this government, "from the very beginning, has been predicted a short life". However, he believes that "a good division of power could significantly prolong the coalition’s life span, perhaps even for a period of four years".