A delicious slice of ‘prekmurska gibanica’. Foto: BoBo
A delicious slice of ‘prekmurska gibanica’. Foto: BoBo
‘Prekmurska gibanica’ at the Bujta repa event. Foto: BoBo

You guessed it – this is ‘prekmurska gibanica’ [t/n: a layer cake typical of the Prekmurje region], a unique delicacy, which is still prepared at major holidays in Prekmurje.

"It has to be said that only a ‘gibanica’ makes it a real holiday. Although a poor man can afford it barely once a year, this is a sign that no one can survive a year without at least one holiday". The most renowned writer from Prekmurje Miško Kranjec wrote this in his 1972 work Povest o dobrih ljudeh (A Tale of Good People).

The delicacy of Prekmurje has obtained registration as a traditional speciality guaranteed. "‘Prekmurska gibanica’ is protected in terms of the recipe, so in order to produce and sell it, manufacturers have to obtain an appropriate certificate. This means that ‘prekmurska gibanica’ must consist of the prescribed ingredients, shortcrust pastry and four different layers of fillings," explains Janko Kodila, the president of the Association for the Promotion and Protection of Prekmurje Specialities.

Four fillings
The size is also defined: a piece of ‘gibanica’, which can be either triangular or rectangular in shape, must be between 5 and 7centimetres [t/n: approx 2–2.8 inches] in height and can weigh 250 grams [t/n: approx 0.6 pounds] at most.

The genuine ‘prekmurska gibanica’ is made of two types of pastry. Shortcrust pastry is laid at the bottom (the locals call it a sole), while filo pastry is laid at the top and between the individual fillings. There are four fillings: poppy seed, cottage cheese, walnut and apple. These fillings must follow each other in the right order and must be of the same thickness. They must be repeated in the same order once again, explains Romana Karas, PhD, the president of the committee for the evaluation of ‘prekmurska gibanica’.

Cirila Sever, translated by D. M.