Foto: Unicef
Foto: Unicef

In 1803, French composer Hector Berlioz is born. His most famous works are Romeo and Juliet and Requiem.

In 1843, German bacteriologist Robert Koch is born. He discovered the bacillus tuberkulozein agent of cholera, and explained the emergence of anthrax.

In 1918, Slovenian writer, a representative of modernism in Slovene literature, Ivan Cankar dies.

In 1946, UNICEF, the International Organization for helping children is founded at the United Nations.


1961 - the group The Marvelettes is at the top of the American charts with the song 'Please Mr Postman'.

1964 - American singer Sam Cooke dies.

1965 - Velvet Underground made its performance debut at a high school dance in Summit.

1982 - singer Toni Basil takes the No. 1 spot on the American charts with 'Mickey'.

1993 - at the top of the British singles chart is Janet Jackson with the song 'Again'.


1926 - Big Mama Thornton, who first recorded the song Hound Dog. Her composition is also sung by Janis Joplin, who with her version 'Ball And Chain' had a big hit in the 1960s.

1944 - American singer Brenda Lee ('Sweet Nothin's').

1954 - Jermaine Jackson, founder of the group The Jackson Five.



Leta 1756 se je v Radovljici rodil slovenski dramatik Anton Tomaž Linhart. Najbolj ga poznamo po delu Županova Micka, ki je prva komedija v slovenskem jeziku in prvo slovensko dramsko besedilo.

Leta 1803 se je rodil francoski skladatelj Hector Berlioz. Njegovi najbolj znani deli sta Romeo in Julija in Requiem.

Leta 1843 se je rodil nemški bakteriolog Robert Koch. Odkril je bacil tuberkuloze in povzročitelja kolere, ter pojasnil nastanek vraničnega prisada.

Leta 1918 je umrl slovenski pisatelj, predstavnik moderne Ivan Cankar. Napisal je romana Na klancu in Hlapec Jernej in njegova pravica, ter drami Hlapci in Kralj na Betajnovi.

Leta 1946 so ustanovili Unicef, Mednarodno organizacijo za pomoč otrokom pri Združenih narodih.

Leta 1981 je največji boksar vseh časov Mohamed Ali v svojem zadnjem dvoboju izgubil s Trevorjem Berbickom.


1961 - zasedba The Marvelettes je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Please Mr Postman'.

1964 - umrl je pevec Sam Cooke ('Wonderful world').

1965 - skupina Velvet Underground prvič nastopi, na srednji šoli v Summitu.

1982 - pevka Toni Basil zasede 1. mesto ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Mickey'.

1993 - na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov je Janet Jackson s pesmijo 'Again'.


1926 - Big Mama Thornton, ki je prva posnela skladbo Hound Dog. Njene skladbe je prepevala tudi Janis Joplin, ki je s svojo verzijo 'Ball And Chain' požela velik uspeh v 60-ih.

1944 - ameriška pevka Brenda Lee ('Sweet Nothin's').

1954 - Jermaine Jackson, ustanovitelj skupine The Jackson Five.