Kontracepcija Foto: BoBo
Kontracepcija Foto: BoBo

In 1863, in Nice the French bacteriologist Albert Calmette is born. He discovered a serum against snake bites and pestilence, and a vaccine against tuberculosis.

In 1929, Hermann Knaus publishes a method by which women can calculate when they are fertile and when they are not.

In 2004, Kobarid and its surrounding area is hit by a 4. 5 magnitude earthquake.

In 2005, in Monaco Albert II is enthroned as the new Prince of Monaco. He succeeded his father, Prince Rainier III.


1962 - Ray Charles is at the top of the British singles chart with 'I Can't Stop Loving You'.

1969 - Zager and Evans are No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'In The Year 2525'.

1975 - Johnny Nash is at the top of the British charts with 'Tears On My Pillow'.

1980 - Olivia Newton-John and the Electric Light Orchestra are at the top of the British charts with their song 'Xanadu'.

1986 - Simply Red is at the top of the American singles chart with 'Holding Back The Years'.


1984 - Gareth Gates, British singer (2002 'Unchained Melody').

Leta 1536 je v Baslu umrl nizozemski humanist Erazem Rotterdamski.

Leta 1863 se je v Nici rodil francoski bakteriolog Albert Calmette, ki je iznašel serum proti kačjemu piku in kugi, ter cepivo proti tuberkolozi.

Leta 1929 je Hermann Knaus objavil metodo, s katero ženske izračunajo, kdaj so plodne in kdaj ne.

Leta 2004 je Kobarid in okolico prizadel potres z močjo 4,5 stopnje.

Leta 2005 so v Monaku za novega kneza ustoličili monaškega princa Alberta II., ki je nasledil očeta, kneza Rainierja III.


1962 - Ray Charles je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'I Can't Stop Loving You'.

1969 - Zager and Evans so na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'In The Year 2525'.

1975 - Johnny Nash je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Tears On My Pillow'.

1980 - Olivia Newton-John in Electric Light Orchestra zasedejo vrh britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Xanadu'.

1986 - Simply Red so na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov s 'Holding Back The Years'.


1984 - Gareth Gates, britanski pevec (2002 'Unchained Melody').