Photo: Goran Rovan Foto:
Photo: Goran Rovan Foto:

In 1898, the Slovenian gymnast Leon Štukelj, the recipient of six Olympic medals and fourteen medals at the world championships, is born. He retired from gymnastics at the age of 37 and became a judge. He is recorded in history as a true Olympic hero of the last century.

In 1929, Grace Kelly is born. Among other things, she appeared in the films High Noon, The Rear Window and Dial M for Murder.

In 1961 former Romanian gymnast Nadia Comăneci is born. She is the winner of three Olympic gold medals at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal and the first female gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10 in an Olympic gymnastic event.

In 1989, the Slovenian graphic artist and painter Bozidar Jakac dies. Among other things he was the initiator of the development of Slovenian graphics.

In 1992, BBC 1 airs for the first time the serial Absolutely Fabulous.


1956 - Johnnie Ray is at the No. Spot on the British charts with the song 'Just Walking In The Rain'. The song was written by two prisoners Johnny Bragg and Robert Riley, the basis for it was a comment by one of them, when on a rainy day they had to stand before the court.

1976 - Queen's single 'Somebody To Love' is released in the U. K.

1983 - Lionel Richie takes the No. 1 spot on the American singles chart with the song 'All Night Long'.

1988 - U2 started a six-week run at No. 1 on the US album chart with 'Rattle And Hum' which went on to sell over 14 million copies (All I want is you, Helter skelter, Desire, I still haven't found, Pride, When love comes to town, Love rescue me.).


1943 - John Walker Maus, singer in the group The Walker Brothers (1966 'The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore').

1945 - Canadian singer Neil Young, also member of the group Crosby Stills Nash & Young (1972 'Heart Of Gold').

1948 - Errol Brown, singer in the group Hot Chocolate ('You Sexy Thing').



Leta 1694 se je rodil Voltaire, voditelj francoskega razsvetljenstva, oster nasprotnik tradicionalnih družbenih teorij, ki je zagovarjal svobodo, strpnost in pravičnost.

Leta 1898 se je rodil slovenski telovadec Leon Štukelj. V svoji bogati športni karieri je prejel šest olimpijskih medalj in štirinajst medalj na svetovnih prvenstvih.

Leta 1929 se je rodila Grace Kelly, ki je igrala v filmih Točno opoldne, Dvoriščno okno in Kliči M za umor.

Leta 1961 se je rodila ena najboljših telovadk vseh časov Nadia Comaneci. Romunka je s 14 leti na olimpijskih igrah v Montrealu zmagala na dvovišinski bradlji, vsi sodniki so ji dali oceno 10, kar se je zgodilo prvič v gimnastični zgodovini.

Leta 1989 je umrl slovenski grafik in slikar Božidar Jakac, pobudnik razvoja slovenske grafike.

Leta 1992 so na BBC 1 prvič predvajali nanizanko Absolutely fabulous.


1956 - Johnnie Ray je na vrhu britanske lestvice pristal s pesmijo 'Just Walking In The Rain'. Pesem sta napisala zapornika Johnny Bragg in Robert Riley, po tem ko sta v deževnem dnevu stopila pred sodišče.

1976 - pesem 'Somebody To Love' zasedbe Queen je izšla v Veliki Britaniji.

1983 - Lionel Richie je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'All Night Long'.

1988 - U2 so na vrhu ameriške lestvice z albumom 'Rattle And Hum', prodali so več kot 14 milijonov izvodov te plošče. Na njej so All I want is you, Helter skelter, Desire, I still haven't found, Pride, When love comes to town, Love rescue me.


1943 - John Walker Maus, pevec skupine The Walker Brothers (1966 'The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore').

1945 - kanadski pevec Neil Young, tudi član skupine Crosby Stills Nash & Young (1972 'Heart Of Gold').

1948 - Errol Brown, pevec skupine Hot Chocolate ('You Sexy Thing').