Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1851, the Slovenian historian and geographer Simon Rutar is born. He was the author of an important and extensive landscape and historical monograph - The Slovenian Littoral.

In 1868, the German automobile manufacturer and designer of August Horch is born. He became the founder of the Audi factory.

In 1889 Slovene-Austrian traveler and writer Alma Karlin is born.

In 1973, Juan Peron is elected President of Colombia, his wife is Vice - President.

In 2003, after the race for the Grand Prix of Japan, Michael Schumacher became the first Formula 1 driver, who has won six world titles.


1971 - Gene Vincent dies at the age of 36. In 1956 he found success with the song 'Be Bop A Lula'.

1974 - The Bay City Rollers' first album 'Rollin' takes the No. 1 spot on the charts.

1985 - Jennifer Rush is at the top of the British singles chart with the song 'The Power Of Love'.

1991 - Simply Red with their fourth album 'Stars' are at the top of the British charts, on the album are the songs 'Thrill Me', 'For Your Babies' and the title song 'Stars.'


1935 - Luciano Pavarotti, Italian tenor. In 1990 his album 'The Essential Pavorotti' remained on the British charts for 72 weeks.

1935 - Singer Sam Moore (also half of the duo Sam & Dave, 1964 'Soul Man').

1948 - Rick Parfitt, singer and guitarist in Status Quo (1977 'Rockin' All Over The World').

1966 - Brian Kennedy, Irish singer (1996 'Life, Love and Happiness').


Leta 1810 je bavarska vladajoča družina prvič povabila prebivalce Munchna na Oktoberfest. Dvotedenski pivski festival vsako leto obišče šest do sedem milijonov obiskovalcev, ki spijejo več milijonov litrov piva in pojedo na stotisoče klobas.

Leta 1851 se je rodil zgodovinar Simon Rutar, avtor pomembnih pokrajinskih in zgodovinskih monografij Slovenskega primorja.

Leta 1868 se je rodil nemški konstruktor August Horch, ustanovitelj tovarne Audi.

Leta 1889 se je rodila popotnica in pisateljica Alma Karlin.

Leta 1973 so za predsednika Kolumbije imenovali Juana Perona, njegovo ženo pa za podpredsednico.

Leta 1993 je umrl Stane Urek, legendarni radijec, ki je bil najpomembnejši zagovornik množičnega udejstvovanja v športu pri nas. Na prvem programu Radia Slovenija je Slovence spodbujal k rekreaciji.

Leta 2003 je Michael Schumacher po dirki za VN Japonske v Suzuki postal prvi voznik formule 1, ki je osvojil šest naslovov svetovnega prvaka.


1971 - star 36 let je umrl Gene Vincent. Leta 1956 je posnel hit 'Be Bop A Lula'.

1974 - The Bay City Rollers so na vrh svetovnih lestvic plasirali svoj prvi album 'Rollin.'

1985 - Jennifer Rush je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'The Power Of Love'.

1991 - Simply Reds so z albumom 'Stars' na vrhu britanske lestvice, na albumu so pesmi 'Thrill Me', 'For Your Babies' in 'Stars.'


1935 - , italijanski tenorist. Leta 1990 je njegov album 'The Essential Pavorotti' ostal na britanski lestvici kar 72 tednov.

1935 - pevec Sam Moore, član dueta Sam&Dave (1964 'Soul Man').

1948 - Rick Parfitt, pevec in kitarist v Status Quo (1977 'Rockin' All Over The World').

1966 - Brian Kennedy, irski pevec (1996 'Life, Love and Happiness').