Photo: AP Foto:
Photo: AP Foto:

In 1807 he built the ship Clermont which finally brought him success.

In 1840, the founder of French Impressionist painting Claude Monet is born.

In 1889, the Indian politician Džavaharlal Nehru is born.

In 1905, the Slovene writer, playwright and poet Tone Čufar is born. After the outbreak of World War II he soon became active in the Slovene Liberation Front.

In 1907, the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren is born. She became one of the most important 20th century writers of children's stories. Her works have been translated into more than fifty languages. She received her greatest award for Pippi Longstocking, for which a number of films and television series were recorded. The recording of one of her literary works, Erasmus and the Tramp was made here in Slovenia. She is also famous for many other works, such as The Brothers Lionheart, The Six Bullerby Children, and Ronia the Robber's daughter.


1960 - Ray Charles takes the No. 1 spot on the American singles chart with his song 'Georgia On My Mind'.

1969 - 'Sugar Sugar' by the group The Archies takes the No. 1 spot on the British singles chart.

1981 - 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic' by the group The Police is at the top of the British singles chart.

1987 - George Michael with his album 'Faith', takes the No. 1 spot on the British albums chart. On the album is also the title song.

1987 - The film album 'Dirty Dancing' is No. 1 on the American albums chart.

1987 - T'Pau with the song 'China In Your Hand' lands at the No. 1 spot on the British charts.


1966 - Joseph 'Run' Simmons, founder of the group Run-DMC (1998 'It's Like That').



Leta 1714 se je rodil Robert Fulton, izumitelj parnika. Svojo pot do izumitelja je začel kot draguljarski vajenec, nadaljeval pa kot slikar. Razmišljal je kako bi uporabil paro, v Franciji je pričel z gradnjo podmornice. Rezultati podmornice Nautilus so bili neuspešni. Znova je poskusil s parniki, ki so jih poganjala mlinska kolesa, gnal pa jih je parni stroj.

Leta 1807 je zgradil ladjo Clermont s katero je požel uspeh.

Leta 1840 se je rodil francoski impresionist Claude Monet.

Leta 1889 se je rodil indijski politik Džavaharlal Nehru.

Leta 1905 se je rodil Tone Čufar. Njegova obsežnejša dela so roman Ljudje iz kleti, ki je ostal nedokončan. Bil je urednik Delavskega obzornika in eden izmed treh slovenskih podpisnikov zahteve po ustanovitvi Enotne delavske stranke.

Leta 1907 se je rodila Astrid Lindgren, ena pomembnejših mladinskih pisateljic 20. stol. Njena dela so prevedena v več kot petdeset jezikov. Največ priznanj je prejela za Piko Nogavičko, po kateri so posneli vrsto filmov in televizijskih nadaljevank. Po knjigi Erazem in potepuh, so nadaljevanko posneli tudi pri nas. Napisala je Brata Levjesrčna, Najboljši Kljukec na svetu, Ronja, razbojniška hči.


1960 - Ray Charles zasede vrh ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Georgia On My Mind'.

1969 - 'Sugar Sugar' skupine The Archies je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice singlov.

1981 - 'Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic' skupine The Police je na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov.

1987 - George Michael je z albumom 'Faith', na katerem je tudi naslovna pesem, na 1. mestu britanske lestvice albumov.

1987 - Filmski album 'Dirty Dancing' zasede 1. mesto ameriške lestvice albumov.

1987 - T'Pau so s pesmijo 'China In Your Hand' na 1. mestu britanske lestvice.


1966 - Joseph 'Run' Simmons, ustanovitelj skupine Run-DMC (1998 'It's Like That').