Freddie Mercury, photo: AP Foto:
Freddie Mercury, photo: AP Foto:

In 1859, Charles Darwin publishes The Origin of Species. His theory of evolution in scientific circles led to many discussions. The church was afraid that the book would upset the religious belief of creation.

In 1954, the Serbian film director, actor and musician Emir Kusturica is born. He twice won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

In 1961, youth writer and pedagogy Gustav Šilih dies.

In 2005, the American actor of Japanese roots, Pat Morita dies. He is known for his role in the film The Karate Kid, which brought him an Oscar nomination.


1968 - Diana Ross and The Supremes take the top spot on the American singles chart with their song 'Love Child'.

1976 - Chicago takes the top spot on the British singles chart with the song 'If You Leave Me Now'. For this song they received a Grammy for the best performance.

1991 - , the Zanzibar-British lead singer in the group Queen, dies of AIDS. His real name was Farrokh Bulsara. His voice had a span of almost four octaves. In addition to his admirable voice, he had another talent, writing songs. He signed his name under Bohemian Rhapsody, Somebody to Love, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, Killer Queen, We are the Champions and Crazy Little Thing Called Love.

2002 - Robbie Williams is at No. 1 on the UK album chart with his album Escapology (including single 'Feel'). The album became the best selling album of 2002 in the UK, selling 1. 2 million copies.


1957 - Chris Hayes, singer in Huey Lewis and the News (1985 'The Power Of Love').



Leta 1906 je umrl slovenski pesnik Simon Gregorčič. Imenovali so ga Goriški slavček. Številne njegove pesmi so ponarodele, med njimi Človeka nikar, Sam in Soči.

Leta 1859 je Charles Darwin objavil knjigo Poreklo vrst. Njegova teorija evolucije je v znanstvenih krogih povzročila številne razprave. Cerkev se je ustrašila, da bo knjiga porušila religijsko prepričanje o nastanku sveta.

Leta 1954 se je rodil srbski režiser Emir Kusturica.

Leta 1961 je umrl mladinski pisatelj in pedagog Gustav Šilih.

Leta 2005 je umrl ameriški igralec z japonskimi koreninami Pat Morita, znan po filmu Karate Kid, ki mu je prinesel tudi nominacijo za oskarja.


1968 - Diana Ross in The Supremes so na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Love Child'.

1976 - zasedba Chicago zasede vrh britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'If You Leave Me Now', za njo so prejeli Grammy-ja za najboljši nastop.

1991 - umrl je zanzibarsko-britanski pevec skupine Queen, Freddie Mercury, s pravim imenom Farrokh Bulsara. Razpon Mercuryjevega glasu je bil skoraj štiri oktave. Največje uspešnice zasedbe Queen je napisal prav on, med temi Bohemian Rhapsody, Somebody to Love, Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy, Killer Queen, We are the Champions in Crazy Little Thing Called Love.

2002 - Robbie Williams je na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom Escapology, na katerem je tudi pesem 'Feel'. Album je bil najbolje prodajan album leta v Angliji, prodali so več kot milijon kopij.


1957 - Chris Hayes, pevec v Huey Lewis and the News (1985 'The Power Of Love').