In 1959 jazz musician Billie Holiday dies. Foto:
In 1959 jazz musician Billie Holiday dies. Foto:

In 1889, the American writer Erle Stanley Gardner, who is famous primarily for novels about the detective Perry Mason, is born.

In 1920, the Spanish sports administrator Juan Antonio Samaranch is born. He served as the seventh President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) from 1980 to 2001.

In 1935, the Canadian actor Donald Sutherland is born.

In 1945, the Potsdam summit begins with the meeting of three superpowers the USA, Great Britain and the Soviet Union, where Truman, Churchill and Stalin adopted a resolution on post-war Germany, on its borders, and demilitarization.

In 1955, Disneyland opened for a few thousand specially invited visitors, in Anaheim, California.

In 1975, during the first participation of Soviet and American astronauts in orbit, the space vessel Apollo 18 docked successfully with the Soviet space craft Soyuz 19.


1959 - the American jazz musician Billie Holiday dies.

1967 - John Coltrane, the American jazz saxophonist and composer dies.

1967 - The Beatles with their single 'All You Need Is Love / Baby You're A Rich Man' are at the top of the American charts.

1993 - Take That is at the top of the British charts with their first hit 'Pray'.

1993 - U2 with their album 'Zooropa' is at the top of both the British and American albums charts.


1941 - British multi-instrumentalist Spencer Davis ('Keep On Running').

1963 - Regina Belle, Columbian R&B and gospel singer ('A Whole New World').



Leta 1674 se je rodil angleški pesnik Isaac Watts.

Leta 1889 se je rodil ameriški pisatelj Erle Stanley Gardner, ki je zaslovel predvsem z romani o detektivu Perryju Masonu.
Leta 1920 se je rodil španski športni diplomat Juan Antonio Samaranch, dolga leta predsednik Mednarodnega olimpijskega komiteja.

Leta 1935 se je rodil filmski igralec Donald Sutherland.

Leta 1945 se je v Potsdamu začelo vrhunsko srečanje treh velesil ZDA, Velike Britanije in SZ, kjer so Truman, Churchill in Stalin sprejeli sklep o povojni Nemčiji, o njenih mejah in demilitarizaciji.

Leta 1975 sta se pri prvem sodelovanju sovjetskih in ameriških vesoljcev v orbiti uspešno združili vesoljski kapsuli Apola 18 in Sojuza 19.

Leta 1996 je umrl slovenski dramatik, pripovednik in režiser Bratko Kreft.


1959 - umrla je ameriška jazzovska pevka Billie Holiday. V svoji dolgoletni karieri si je pridobila naziv 'The Voice Of Jazz' (Glas džeza).

1967 - umrl je John Coltrane, ameriški jazzovski saksofonist.

1967 - The Beatles so s singlom 'All You Need Is Love / Baby You're A Rich Man' na vrhu ameriške lestvice.

1993 - Take That so na vrhu britanske lestvice s svojim prvim hitom 'Pray'.

1993 - U2 so z albumom 'Zooropa' na vrhu britanske in ameriške lestvice.


1941 - britanski multiinstrumentalist Spencer Davis ('Keep On Running').

1963 - Regina Belle, kolumbijska pevka gospela ('A Whole New World').