
In 1824, in Paris, the French writer Alexandre Dumas junior is born. He became the pioneer of French realism. His most famous novel is Lady of the Camellias.

In 1839, the so-called Opium War breaks out between China and Britain, due to the confiscation and destruction of 20 thousand crates of opium, which were exported from China by an East Indian company.

In 1841, the Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov Jurjevič, a Romantic writer, poet and painter, sometimes called the poet of the Caucasus, dies. His best-known novel is A Hero of Our Time.

In 1946, the Croatian actor Rade Šerbedžija is born.

In 2003 it was reported by the BBC that there was no monster in Loch Ness. The investigation used 600 separate sonar beams to trawl the loch. Reports of sightings of the Loch Ness Monster began in the 6th century.


1985 - The Eurythmics is at the top of the British charts with 'There Must Be An Angel’, the accordion solo is played by Stevie Wonder.

1985 - Paul Young is at the top of the US singles chart with 'Every Time You Go Away'.

1991- Bryan Adams is No. 1 on the American singles chart with '(Everything I Do), I Do It For You'.

1996 - The Spice Girls are at the top No. 1 UK single with 'Wannabe'.

1997 - The Soundtrack album 'Men In Black' is No. 1 on the US album chart.


1933 - Nick Reynolds, singer in The Kingston Trio ('Tom Dooley'). 1953 - Suzi Carr, singer in the group Will To Power.


Leta 1793 so v Louvru odprli največji muzej na svetu. V njem so na ogled umetniška dela vse od začetkov umetnosti do danes.

Leta 1824 se je v Parizu rodil francoski pisatelj Alexandre Dumas ml., ki velja za začetnika francoskega realizma. Njegov najbolj znan roman je Dama s kamelijami.

Leta 1839 je med Kitajsko in Veliko Britanijo izbruhnila opijska vojna, zaradi uničenja 20 tisoč zabojev opija, ki jih je iz Kitajske izvažala vzhodnoindijska družba.

Leta 1841 je umrl ruski pesnik in pisatelj Mihail Jurjevič Lermontov, eden vodilnih ruskih romantikov. Njegov najbolj znani roman je Junak našega časa.

Leta 1921 so raziskovalci univerze v Torontu pod vodstvom Fredericka Bantinga odkrili hormon inzulin.

Leta 1946 se je rodil Rade Šerbedžija, ki velja za enega najuspešnejših igralcev z območja nekdanje Jugoslavije.

Leta 2003 je televizija BBC objavila, da v Loch Nessu ni pošasti. Raziskovalci so s pomočjo 600 kamer jezero pregledali do zadnjega kotička. Prvič so pošast Nessy začeli omenjati že v 6. stoletju.


1985 - The Eurythmics sta na vrhu britanske lestvice s skladbo 'There Must Be An Angel’, solo na harmoniki igra Stevie Wonder.

1985 - Paul Young je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Every Time You Go Away'.

1991- Bryan Adams je na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov z '(Everything I Do), I Do It For You'.

1996 - The Spice Girls so na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Wannabe'.

1997 - album iz filma 'Men In Black' je na vrhu ameriške lestvice.


1933 - Nick Reynolds, pevec tria The Kingston Trio ('Tom Dooley'). 1953 - Suzi Carr, pevka v skupini Will To Power.