Marko Funkl is the president of the Movement for Decent Work. Foto: BoBo
Marko Funkl is the president of the Movement for Decent Work. Foto: BoBo

"The number of precarious workers is on the rise in Slovenia, as well as elsewhere in the world. One of the keys for improving the situation is to join forces – all those that work through temporary contracts or are sole proprietors," stressed Mr. Funkl on the World Day for Decent Work.

80 percent of all young people with jobs are employed with a fixed-term contract, warns Zala Turšič, a representative of the Mladi Plus union. Among the issued job openings in August, 81 percent offered jobs only for a certain period of time. "When we talk about flexicurity, it's always expected from young people to be flexible. Well, what about their security?" asks Ms. Turšič.

The Pergam trade union emphasizes that precarious work is always involuntary and takes advantage of the existing protection mechanisms. Most precarious workers work for one employer, for a longer period of time, with often more than 8 hours of continuous work. Mr. Funkl also stressed that one of the difficulties is that there are no records on people who work through temporary contracts. It is also difficult to determine the existence of other forms of precarious work. Workers often find themselves in a dependent employment relationship, or are sole proprietors with only one customer.

Saša Banjanac Lubej;
Translated by K. J.