Zlatko Zahovič Foto: Reuters
Zlatko Zahovič Foto: Reuters

In 1901 American actor Clark Gable is born. He is best known for his role as Rhett Butler in the epic film Gone with the Wind.

In 1931 the first president of Russia Boris Nikolajevič Jelcin was born.

In 1966 American actor Buster Keaton dies.

In 1971 Slovene footballer Zlatko Zahovič is born.

In 2005 Slovenia ratified the European Union constitution.


1964 - The Beatles are at No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'I Want To Hold Your Hand', which was the first British hit on the top of the American charts.

1992 - The duo George Michael and Elton John is at the top of the British and American singles charts with 'Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me'.

2009 - Lily Allen is at No. 1 on the UK singles chart with 'The Fear'.

2009 - Bruce Springsteen is at No. 1 on the UK album chart with 'Working on a Dream'.

BORN ON THIS DAY1937 - Ray Sawyer, vocalist of the group Dr. Hook ('Sylvia's Mother').

1975 - Big Boi, (Antoine Patton), Outkast, US rapper (2001 'Ms Jackson').


Leta 1851 je umrla britanska pisateljica Mary Shelley, avtorica romana Frankenstein.

Leta 1901 se je rodil ameriški igralec Clark Gable, znan po vlogi v epskem filmu V vrtincu.

Leta 1931 se je rodil Boris Jelcin, prvi predsednik Rusije.

Leta 1966 je umrl ameriški igralec Buster Keaton.

Leta 1971 se je rodil slovenski nogometaš .

Leta 2004 je rokometna reprezentanca Nemčije osvojila naslov evropskih prvakov, Slovenci so bili podprvaki, rezultat dvoboja je bil 30:25.

Leta 2005 je Slovenija ratificirala evropsko ustavno pogodbo.


1964 - The Beatles so na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'I Want To Hold Your Hand', kar je bil prvi britanski hit na vrhu ameriške lestvice.

1992 - George Michael in Elton John sta na britanski in ameriški lestvici singlov na 1. mestu s skladbo 'Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me'.

2009 - Lily Allen je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'The Fear'.

2009 - Bruce Springsteen je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Working on a Dream'.


1937 - Ray Sawyer, vokalist zasedbe Dr. Hook ('Sylvia's Mother').

1975 - Big Boi, (Antoine Patton), pevec zasedbe Outkast (2001 'Ms Jackson').