Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1880, Thomas Edison opens the first light bulb factory.

In 1881, the American aircraft designer and industrialist William Edward Boeing is born. His company made civil and military aircraft.

In 1908, on the American market appears the new Ford T, which became one of the best-selling cars.

In 1920, the American actor Walter Matthau is born. He is best known for his role as Oscar Madison in The Odd Couple.

In 1942, the Italians shoot the Slovenian painter and cartoonist Hinko Smrekar.

In 1954, the Slovenian long-distance swimmer Martin Strel is born. Strel holds successive Guinness World Records for swimming the Danube river, the Mississippi River, the Yangtze River, and the Amazon River.

In 1971, in Orlando, Florida the first amusement park Walt Disney World opens.

In 1982, the company Sony places on the market the first music player with compact disks.


1977 - Meco takes the No. 1 spot on the American singles chart with 'Star Wars Theme'.

1988 - Bon Jovi is at the top of the British albums chart with his record 'New Jersey'. From that album two of the songs were placed at No. 1 on the Billboard 100, they were 'Bad Medicine' and 'I'll Be There for You'.

2000 - Madonna reigns at the top of the American albums chart with her 'Music'.


1935 - singer and actress Julie Andrews (1965 'The Sound Of Music').

1959 - Senegalese singer Youssou N'dour (1994 with Nennah Cherry '7 seconds').



Leta 1869 je Avstrija izdala prve razglednice.

Leta 1880 je Thomas Edison odprl prvo tovarno žarnic.

Leta 1881 se je rodil ameriški letalski konstruktor in industrialec William Edvard Boeing. Njegovo podjetje je izdelovalo civilna in vojaška letala.

Leta 1908 se je v ZDA na trgu pojavil novi Ford T, ki je postal eden najbolje prodajanih avtomobilov.

Leta 1920 se je rodil igralec Walter Matthau. Zaslovel je z vlogo športnega reporterja Oscarja Madisona v filmu The Odd Couple.

Leta 1942 Italijani ustrelijo slovenskega karikaturista Hinka Smrekarja.

Leta 1954 se je rodil ultramaratonski plavalec Martin Strel. Preplaval je številne reke, med drugim Donavo, Misisipi, Jangce in Amazonko. S temi podvigi je vpisan v Guinnessovo knjigo rekordov.

Leta 1971 so v Orlandu na Floridi odprli prvi zabaviščni park Walt Disney World.

Leta 1982 je podjetje Sony na trg poslalo prvi predvajalnik glasbe z zgoščenkami.


1977 - Meco zasede 1. mesto ameriške lestvice singlov s 'Star Wars Theme'.

1988 - Bon Jovi so na vrhu britanske lestvice albumov s ploščo 'New Jersey'. Iz tega albuma se na vrh Billboardovih 100 uvrstita 'Bad Medicine' in 'I'll Be There for You'.

2000 - Madonna kraljuje na vrhu ameriške lestvice s svojim albumom 'Music'.


1935 - pevka in igralka Julie Andrews (1965 'The Sound Of Music').

1959 - senegalski pevec Youssou N'dour (1994 z Nennah Cherry '7 seconds')