Photo: MMC Foto:
Photo: MMC Foto:

In 1893, in Augsburg German Rudolf Diesel for the first time presents his diesel engine.

In 1896, on Kredarica, on land purchased by Jakob Aljaž, the first Triglav hut is opened.

In 1897, Felix Hoffmann, the German chemist, produced a stable form of acetylsalicylic acid, more commonly known as aspirin.

In 1928, the Slovene writer Leopold Suhodolčan is born.
In 2005, the Slovene mountaineer Tomaž Humar was rescued by a Pakistan Army helicopter crew. During a solo attempt to climb Nanga Parbat, he became trapped by avalanches and melting snow.


1968 - Tom Jones is at the top of the British charts with his album 'Delilah'.

1970 - Simon and Garfunkel are No. 1 on the British albums chart with 'Bridge Over Troubled Water'.

1985 - the album 'Reckless' takes Bryan Adams to the No. 1 spot for the first time on the American charts.

2005 - James Blunt is at the top of the British singles chart with ‘You're Beautiful’.

2008 - American singer-songwriter, actor, voice actor and producer dies (1973 'Shaft').


1909 - Clarence Leonidas 'Leo' Fender, founder of the Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company, which first made the electric guitar.

1940 - Bobby Hatfield, singer in The Righteous Brothers (1965 'You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin').

1948 - singer Patti Austin (1983 'Baby Come To Me').



Leta 1674 je bil v Greenwichu ustanovljen astronomski observatorij.

Leta 1893 je v Augsburgu Rudolf Diesel prvič predstavil svoj dizelski motor.

Leta 1896 so na Kredarici, na zemlji Jakoba Aljaža, odprli prvo triglavsko kočo.

Leta 1897 je Felix Hoffmann odkril aspirin.

Leta 1928 se je v Žireh rodil slovenski mladinski pisatelj Leopold Suhodolčan. Napisal je dela Deček na črnem konju, Krojaček Hlaček, Skriti dnevnik, Rdeči lev in mnoge druge.

Leta 1969 je umrl slovenski pesnik in pripovednik Tone Seliškar. Napisal je številne mladinske povesti in črtice, med drugim Bratovščina sinjega galeba, Mule, Deklica z junaškim srcem.

Leta 2005 so iz osemtisočaka Nanga Parbat rešili alpinista Tomaža Humarja, ki je pri drznem vzponu obtičal v južni steni gore.


1968 - Tom Jones je na vrhu britanske lestvice albumov z 'Delilah'.

1970 - Simon and Garfunkel zasedeta vrh britanske lestvice z albumom 'Bridge Over Troubled Water'.

1985 - z albumom 'Reckless' je Bryan Adams na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice.

2005 - James Blunt je na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov z ‘You're Beautiful’.

2008 - umrl je pevec, igralec in producent Isaac Hayes, znan po svojem globokem glasu (1973 'Shaft').


1909 - Clarence Leonidas 'Leo' Fender, ustanovitelj družbe Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company, ki je prva izdelovala električne kitare.

1940 - Bobby Hatfield, pevec v The Righteous Brothers (1965 'You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin').

1947 - Ian Anderson, flavtist in pevec v Jethro Tull (1969 'Living In The Past').

1948 - pevka Patti Austin (1983 'Baby Come To Me').