Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1918, in a railway carriage in the forest near Compiegne an armistice is signed between the German army, represented by the parliamentary deputy Matthias Erzberger, and the allies, represented by the French Marshal Ferdinand Foch. This brought the I. World War to an end.

In 1962, the American actress Demi Moore is born. In 1974, the American actor Leonardo DiCaprio is born.

In 2004, at the age of 75 legendary Palestinian President Yasser Arafat dies. For 40 years he led the Palestinians in their struggle for rights and recognition. Palestinians in The death of the popular leader was received by the Palestinians with great sadness.

It is St. Martin's Day, also known as the Feast of St. Martin.


1972 - Gilbert O'Sullivan is at the top of the British charts with 'Clair'.

1978 - Donna Summer takes the No. 1 spot on the American charts with the song 'MacArther Park'. At the top of the American albums chart is also her album 'Live And More'.

1989 - Chris Rea is at the top of the British albums chart with 'The Road To Hell'.

1989 - Lisa Stansfield is No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'All Around The World'.


1957 - Tony Gad, singer in the R&B group Aswad (1988 'Don't Turn Around').



Leta 1821 se je v Moskvi rodil ruski pisatelj, predstavnik realizma Fjodor Mihajlovič Dostojevski. Njegovi najbolj znani romani so Zločin in kazen, Besi, Idiot, Bratje Karamazovi.

Leta 1918 je bilo v železniškem vagonu v gozdu v bližini Compiegna podpisano primirje med nemško vojsko, ki jo je predstavljal parlamentarni poslanec Matthias Erzberger, in zavezniki, ki jih je predstavljal francoski maršal Ferdinand Foch. S tem je bila končana I. svetovna vojna.

Leta 1962 se je rodila igralka Demi Moore, leta 1974 pa igralec Leonardo DiCaprio.

Leta 2004 je v 75. letu starosti umrl palestinski predsednik Yasser Arafat. 40 let je vodil Palestince v bojih za pravice in priznavanje. Palestinci so smrt priljubljenega voditelja sprejeli z veliko žalostjo.

Leta 2000 je v nesreči smučarkega vlaka v Kaprunu umrlo 155 smučarjev.


1972 - Gilbert O'Sullivan je na vrhu britanske lestvice s skladbo 'Clair'.

1978 - Donna Summer zasede 1. mesto na lestvici v ZDA s skladbo 'MacArther Park'. Na vrhu ameriške lestvice je še njen album 'Live And More'.

1989 - Chris Rea je na vrhu britanske lestvice albumov z 'The Road To Hell'.

1989 - Lisa Stansfield je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice singlov z 'All Around The World'.


1957- Tony Gad, pevec R&B skupine Aswad (1988 'Don't Turn Around').