Alanis Morissette Foto: Reuters
Alanis Morissette Foto: Reuters

In 1773 the British physician and physicist Thomas Young, who studied light and sound waves, and formulated the theory of three-color vision, is born.

In 1865 the Irish poet and playwright, a leader of the Renaissance in Ireland, William Butler Yeats is born.

In 1897 the Finnish medium and long distance runner, Paavo Nurmi, is born. He set 22 world records, won nine gold and three silver Olympic medals.

In 1956 the last British troops left the base at the Suez Canal. After 74 years the canal once again belonged to Egypt.


1964 - On this day Louis Armstrong begins a 6 week long trip on the No. 1 spot on the American albums chart with 'Hello Dolly!'.

1970 - The Beatles were 2 weeks at No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'The Long And Winding Road’; it was for the group the 20th No. 1 hit in the USA. On the same day their album 'Let It Be' hit the top spot on the American albums chart.

1995 - Alanis Morissette released album, 'Jagged Little Pill'. This album featured the massive hits, 'You Oughta Know', 'Hand in My Pocket', 'Ironic', and 'You Learn'.


1968 - David Gray, British singer, composer, and song writer ('Babylon').


Leta 323 pr. n. št. je v Babilonu umrl Aleksander Veliki Makedonski, ki je osvojil velika ozemlja Evrope in Azije, katera so si po njegovi smrti razdelili častihlepni častniki, kasneje pa so jih zavzeli rimski osvajalci.

Leta 1773 se je rodil britanski zdravnik in fizik Thomas Young, ki je raziskoval svetlobne in zvočne valove in izoblikoval teorijo tribarvnega gledanja.

Leta 1865 se je rodil pesnik in dramatik, vodilni predstavnik renesanse na Irskem, William Butler Yeats.

Leta 1897 se je rodil finski tekač na srednjih in dolgih progah, Paavo Nurmi. Postavil je 22 svetovnih rekordov in osvojil devet zlatih in tri srebrne olimpijske medalje.

Leta 1956 so oporišča ob Sueškem prekopu zapustile zadnje britanske čete. S tem je prekop po 74 letih zopet pripadel Egiptu.


1964 - Louis Armstrong je na vrhu ameriške lestvice z albumom 'Hello Dolly!'.

1970 - The Beatles so na vrhu ameriške lestvice s skladbo 'The Long And Winding Road', na ta dan je na vrhu ameriške lestvice njihov album 'Let It Be'.

1986 - umrl je ameriški jazzovski glasbenik Benny Goodman.

1995 - Alanis Morissette izda album 'Jagged Little Pill', na katerem so hiti 'You Oughta Know', 'Hand in My Pocket', 'Ironic' in 'You Learn'.


1968 - David Gray, britanski pevec, skladatelj ('Babylon').