Jure Franko Foto: STA
Jure Franko Foto: STA

In 869 Slav spreader of enlightenment Ciril dies. He and his brother Metodius are considered the fathers of Slavic literature.

In 1779 natives of Hawaii kill English sea captain and researcher James Cook. He discovered the eastern coast of Australia, New Zealand and numerous islands in the Pacific Ocean.

In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell presents the first useable telephone.

In 1924 Thomas Watson founds the company IBM.

In 1984 Jure Franko won the first medal for Slovenia at the Olympic Games. In the giant slalom race he won a silver medal.

In 2005 video-sharing website YouTube is created.


1987 - Bon Jovi are at No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Livin' On A Prayer'.

1999 - Lenny Kravitz is No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'Fly Away'.

2009 - Bruce Springsteen went to No. 1 on the US album chart with 'Working on a Dream'.

2010 - Doug Fieger singer with The Knack died. The Knack had the 1979 US No. 1 single 'My Sharona'.


1950 - Roger Fisher, singer in the group Heart (1987 'Alone').

1972 - Rob Thomas, singer with Matchbox 20 (1998 'Push').

Leta 269 so usmrtili Sv. Valentina, saj je v nasprotju s cesarjevo odredbo poročal mlade pare.

Leta 869 je umrl slovanski prosvetitelj Ciril, ki velja skupaj z Metodom za očeta slovanske književnosti.

Leta 1779 so domorodci na Havajih ubili angleškega kapitana in raziskovalca Jamesa Cooka. Odkril je vzhodno obalo Avstralije, Novo Zelandijo in številna otočja v Tihem oceanu.

Leta 1876 je Alexander Graham Bell predstavil prvi telefon.

Leta 1924 je Thomas Watson ustanovil družbo IBM.

Leta 1984 je Jure Franko osvojil prvo medaljo za Slovenijo na olimpijskih igrah. Na veleslalomski tekmi je osvojil srebro.

Leta 2005 je pričela delovati spletna stran YouTube.


1987 - Bon Jovi so na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Livin' On A Prayer'.

1999 - Lenny Kravitz je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice singlov s 'Fly Away'.

2009 - Bruce Springsteen je na vrhu ameriške lestvice albumov z 'Working on a Dream'.

2010 - umrl je pevec skupine The Knack, Doug Fieger. The Knack so bili leta 1979 na vrhu svetovnih lestvic s singlom 'My Sharona'.


1950 - Roger Fisher, pevec v skupini Heart (1987 'Alone').

1972 - Rob Thomas, pevec v zasedbi Matchbox 20 (1998 'Push').