Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1891, the German General Field Marshal and Commander of the African Corps, Erwin Rommel, is born. Because of his African successes he earned the nickname 'Desert Fox'.

In 1898, baron Anton Codelli brought the first car on the Slovenian and caused a real sensation.

In 1916, the Polish writer and winner of the 1905 Nobel Prize in Literature Henryk Sienkiewicz dies. His best known novels are The Teutonic Knights, With Fire and Sword, Quo vadis?, and In the Field of Glory.

In 1925, in Bled the Slovene writer of folk stories and novels Tone Svetina dies.


1980 - American group Blondie is No. 1 on the British and American singles charts with the song 'The Tide Is High'.

1980 - Kenny Rogers with 'Lady' is at the top of the American singles chart; the text was written by Lionel Richie.

1987 - In England, the British group Dire Straits sells over 3 million copies of their album Brothers in Arms. On the album are their hits ‘Money for Nothing,’ ‘So Far Away,’ ‘Walk of Life,’ ‘Brothers in Arms’ and ‘Your Latest Trick. ’

1998 - best sold album in England is 'The Best Of 1980-1990' by U2.


1932 - English singer Petula Clark (1984 'Downtown').

1945 - singer in the group ABBA, Frida Lyngstad.



Leta 1630 je umrl nemški zvezdoslovec Johannes Kepler. Objavil je zakon o gibanju planetov okrog Sonca, odkril je tudi lomljenje zvezdnih svetlobnih žarkov skozi ozračje.

Leta 1891 se je rodil nemški general feldmaršal in poveljnik afriškega korpusa Erwin Rommel, ki si je zaradi svojih afriških uspehov pridobil vzdevek 'puščavski lisjak'.

Leta 1898 je v Ljubljano pripeljal prvi avtomobil. Vozil ga je baron Anton Codelli. Za nekatere je bila to prava senzacija, drugi so se vozila ustrašili.

Leta 1916 je umrl poljski pisatelj, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade leta 1905, Henryk Sienkiewicz. Najbolj znani romani so Mali vitez, Z ognjem in mečem, Quo vadis? in V puščavi in goščavi.

Leta 1925 se je na Bledu rodil slovenski pisatelj ljudskih povesti in romanov Tone Svetina.


1980 - ameriška skupina Blondie je na vrhu britanske in ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'The Tide Is High'.

1980 - Kenny Rogers je s pesmijo 'Lady' na vrhu ameriške lestvice, besedilo je napisal Lionel Richie.

1987 - britanska zasedba Dire Straits je v Angliji prodala preko 3 milijone kopij albuma Brothers in Arms, na njem so uspešnice ‘Money for Nothing,’ ‘So Far Away,’ ‘Walk of Life,’ ‘Brothers in Arms’ in ‘Your Latest Trick. ’

1998 - najbolje prodajan album v Angliji je 'The Best Of 1980-1990' od U2.


1932 - Petula Clark (1984 'Downtown').

1945 - pevka zasedbe ABBA, Frida Lyngstad.