Novak Djoković Foto: Reuters
Novak Djoković Foto: Reuters

In 1813 the German composer Wilhelm Richard Wagner is born.

In 1859 the Scottish writer Arthur Conan Doyl is born.

In 1906 the Wright brothers patented their aircraft.

In 1907 legendary actor Laurence Olivier is born. He was nominated ten times for an Oscar, he won an Oscar for the main role in Hamlet.

In 1987 the Serbian tennis player Novak Djoković is born.

In 1992 Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina become members of the United Nations.


1965 - The Beatles are No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Ticket To Ride'.

1971 - The Rolling Stones are No. 1 on the American albums chart with the song 'Sticky Fingers'.

1993 - Ace Of Base is No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'All That She Wants'.

2005 - Dave Matthews Band is No. 1 on the US album chart with 'Stand Up. ' The album features 'American Baby', 'Dreamgirl' and 'Everybody Wake Up. '


1924 - Charles Aznavour, French singer (1974 'She').

1959 - Steven Morrissey, vocals with The Smiths (1984 'Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now').



Leta 337 je umrl rimski cesar Konstantin Veliki. Krščanstvo je razglasil za enakopravno vero.

Leta 1813 se je rodil nemški skladatelj Richard Wagner.

Leta 1859 se je rodil škotski pisatelj Arthur Conan Doyl, ki velja za očeta detektiva Sherlocka Holmesa.

Leta 1906 brata Wright patentirata svoje letalo.

Leta 1907 se je rodil legendarni igralec Laurence Olivier, ki je bil kar desetkrat nominiran za oskarja, dobil pa ga je za glavno vlogo v Hamletu.

Leta 1987 se je rodil teniški igralec Novak Djoković.

Leta 1992 postanejo Slovenija, Hrvaška ter Bosna in Hercegovina članice OZN.


1965 - The Beatles so na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Ticket To Ride'.

1971 - The Rolling Stones so na vrhu ameriške lestvice albumov s 'Sticky Fingers'.

1993 - Ace Of Base so na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov 'All That She Wants'.

2005 - Dave Matthews Band je na vrhu ameriške lestvice z albumom 'Stand Up', na njem so tudi 'American Baby', 'Dreamgirl' in 'Everybody Wake Up. '


1924 - francoski pevec Charles Aznavour (1974 'She').

1959 - Steven Morrissey, pevec zasedbe The Smiths (1984 'Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now').