Foto: EPA
Foto: EPA

In 1686 the Polish physicist Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit is born.

In 1819 Victoria, heiress to the British throne is born. The Victorian period, which was named after her, was a long period of peace, prosperity, refined sensibilities and national self-confidence for Britain.

In 1844 Samuel Finley Breese Morse sends from Baltimore to Washington the first electric telegram. The communication contained a quote from the Bible.

In 1851 the Slovene poet Stanko Vraz dies.

In 1899 in Boston the first public multi-storey garage in the USA opens.

In 1968 students burn the Paris Stock Exchange.


1956 - the first Eurovision song contest is held in Lugano. With the song 'Refrain', sung by Lys Assia, Switzerland is also the winning country.

1962 - Elvis Presley is No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'Good Luck Charm’.

1968 - The Rolling Stones released the single 'Jumpin Jack Flash.'

1969 - The Beatles and Billy Preston are No. 1 on the US singles chart with 'Get Back'.

1974 - American jazz composer and pianist Duke Ellington dies.

1975 - Earth Wind and Fire are No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Shining Star'.

1997 - Hanson is No. 1 on the US singles chart with 'MMMBop'.


1941 - Robert Allen Zimmerman, known as Bob Dylan ('Blowin' in the wind').

1944 - Patti Labelle, singer (1975 'Lady Marmalade').


Leta 1543 je umrl Nikolaj Kopernik, poljski astronom. Med drugim je dokazal, da Zemlja ni središče vesolja.

Leta 1686 se je rodil poljski fizik Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.

Leta 1819 se je rodila britanska kraljica Viktorija. Viktorijanska doba pomeni čas največjega razcveta angleškega plemstva v 19. stoletju.

Leta 1844 pošlje Samuel Finley Breese Morse iz Baltimora v Washington prvi električni telegram. Sporočilo je vsebovalo citat iz Biblije.

Leta 1851 je umrl slovenski pesnik Stanko Vraz.

Leta 1899 so v Bostonu odprli prvo garažno hišo v ZDA.

Leta 1968 zažgejo študenti pariško borzo.


1956 - v Luganu je bil prvi Eurosong, Švica je tudi zmagala s pesmijo 'Refrain', ki jo je zapela Lys Assia.

1962 - Elvis Presley je na vrhu britanske lestvce singlov z 'Good Luck Charm' .

1968 - The Rolling Stones izdajo pesem 'Jumpin Jack Flash'.

1969 - The Beatles in Billy Preston so na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Get Back'.

1974 - umrl je ameriški jazzovski skladatelj in pianist Duke Ellington.

1975 - Earth Wind and Fire so na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Shining Star'.

1997 - skupina Hanson je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'MMMBop'.


1941 - Robert Allen Zimmerman, znan kot Bob Dylan (Blowin' in the wind).

1944 - pevka Patti Labelle (1975 'Lady Marmalade').