James Brown Foto: EPA
James Brown Foto: EPA

In 1877, Slovene composer Emil Adamič is born. He wrote more than a thousand works choral and orchestral music.

In 1899, in New York film actor Humphrey Bogart is born. He won an Oscar for best Actor role in the film African Queen; he became famous for his role in the film Casablanca.

In 1925, at the age of barely 30 Russian writer Sergej Jesenjin dies.

In 1955, film actor and singer Dean Martin dies.

In 1977, comedian Charlie Chaplin dies in Switzerland.


1965 - Dave Clark Five is at the No. 1 spot on the American charts with the song 'Over And Over'.

1965 - the album 'Rubber Soul' by the group The Beatles is at the top of the British charts.

1976 - the best sold album in the USA is 'Hotel California' by the group The Eagles.

1993 - Mariah Carey is in the No. 1 spot in the USA with the song 'Hero' and with the album 'Music Box'.

2006 - American singer James Brown ('Living in America') dies.


1954 - Annie Lennox, singer in the group Eurythmics ('Thorn in my side').

1971 - English singer Dido ('Here With Me').



Leta 1642 se je rodil britanski fizik Isaac Newton is born. Newton je eden najvplivnejših znanstvenikov vseh časov.

Leta 1877 se je rodil skladatelj in dirigent Emil Adamič. Napisal je več kot tisoč glasbenih del, večinoma zborovskih.

Leta 1899 se je v New Yorku rodil filmski igralec Humphrey Bogart, dobitnik Oskarja za moško vlogo v filmu Afriška kraljica, zaslovel je v filmu Casablanca.

Leta 1925 je, star komaj 30 let, umrl ruski pisatelj Sergej Jesenjin.

Leta 1955 je umrl Dean Martin, filmski igralec in pevec italijanskega rodu.

Leta 1977 je umrl igralec Charlie Chaplin. Zaslovel je v obdobju nemega filma, svetovna ikona je postal v filmu Potepuh.


1965 - Dave Clark Five so na vrhu ameriške lestvice s skladbo 'Over And Over'.

1965 - album 'Rubber Soul' zasedbe The Beatles je na vrhu britanske lestvice.

1976 - najbolj prodajan album v ZDA je 'Hotel California' skupine The Eagles.

1993 - Mariah Carey je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Hero' in z albumom 'Music Box'.

2006 - umrl je ameriški pevec James Brown ('Living in America').


1954 - , pevka pri zasedbi Eurythmics ('Thorn in my side').

1971 - angleška pevka Dido ('Here With Me').