Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1849, in Vienna, the Austrian composer Johann Strauss, who composed numerous marches and polkas, dies.

In 1944, the American actor Michael Douglas is born. In 1969 his wife Catherine Zeta Jones is born.

In 1952, the 'Superman' Christopher Reeve is born.

In 1970, the German writer Erich Maria Remarque, author of the novels with the anti-war and anti-fascist tendency, dies. Among his novels is: All Quiet on the Western Front, The Night in Lisbon, Shadows in Paradise.


1964 - On the Billboard chart the song 'Oh, Pretty Woman' by Roy Orbison is at No. 1.

1969 - With the hit song 'Sugar, Sugar' The Archies are No. 1 on the American charts.

1990 - At the top of the charts is the song 'Show Me Heaven', sung by Maria McKee.

1993 - Nirvana is No. 1 on the UK album chart with 'In Utero'.

2006 - 'I Don't Feel Like Dancin' by the Scissor Sisters is No. 1 on the UK singles chart.


1955 - Italian singer Zucchero ('Senza Una Donna').

1968 - Actor and singer Will Smith ('Gettin' jiggin' with it').



Leta 1513 je Vasco Nunez de Balboa odkril Tihi oziroma Pacifiški ocean.

Leta 1849 je na Dunaju umrl avstrijski skladatelj Johann Strauss, ki je skladal številne koračnice (Radetzky marš) in polke.

Leta 1944 se je rodil Michael Douglas, njegova žena Catherine Zeta Jones pa leta 1969.

Leta 1952 se je rodil 'Superman' .

Leta 1970 je umrl nemški pisatelj Erich Maria Remarque, avtor romanov Na zahodu nič novega, Noč v Lisboni in Sence v raju.

Leta 1996 so na Irskem zaprli zadnje zavetišče sester Magdalenk. Tja so pošiljali dekleta, ki so morala delati v pralnicah in se tako spokoriti za grehe.


1964 - vrh Billboardove lestvice zasede 'Oh, Pretty Woman' Roya Orbisona.

1969 - s hitom 'Sugar, Sugar' je na vrhu ameriške lestvice zasedba The Archies.

1993 - Nirvana je na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'In Utero'.

2006 - The Scissor Sisters so na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'I Don't Feel Like Dancin'.


1955 - italijanski pevec Zucchero ('Senza Una Donna', 'Diamante').

1968 - igralec in pevec Will Smith ('Gettin' jiggin' with it).