Tone Pavček / Photo: BoBo Foto:
Tone Pavček / Photo: BoBo Foto:

In 1902, in Paris the French writer, founder and most important representative of naturalism, Emile Zola, dies. His best known works are: Therese Raquin, Nana, and Germinal.

In 1913, Rudolf Diesel, German inventor of the engine driven by gas oil, which is also named after him, dies.

In 1928, the Slovenian poet Tone Pavček is born.

In 1996, the Slovenian philosopher, anthropologist, psychologist and theologian Dr. Anton Trstenjak dies.


1963 - At the top of the American charts are The Beatles with their song 'She Loves You'.

1974 - In the No. 1 spot of the British charts is Carl Douglas with the song 'Kung Fu Fighting'.

1995 - No. 1 on the American charts is Simply Red with 'Fairground'.

1979 - No. 1 on the British charts is The Police with 'Message In A Bottle'.

1984 - Prince and the Revolution are at No. 1 on the US singles chart with 'Let's Go Crazy'.

1990 - Maria McKee is at No. 1 on the UK singles chart with 'Show Me Heaven', from the film 'Days Of Thunder'.

2011 - the Slovenian musician Lojze Slak dies. Slak was one of the pioneers of Slovene popular folk music, based on diatonic button accordion and author of several evergreen songs, performed by his Lojze Slak Ansamble.


1935 - American singer Jerry Lee Lewis ('Great Balls Of Fire').



Leta 1547 se je v Alceli rodil španski pesnik in dramatik Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, avtor romana Don Kihot.

Leta 1902 je umrl francoski pisatelj, začetnik in najpomembnejši predstavnik naturalizma, Emile Zola.

Leta 1913 je umrl nemški izumitelj motorja na pogon s plinskim oljem, Rudolf Diesel.

Leta 1928 se je rodil slovenski pesnik Tone Pavček. Napisal je veliko slikanic in pesniških zbirk za otroke in odrasle. Njegove so tudi slikanica Juri Muri v Afriki in pesmi Ko hodiš, pojdi zmeraj do konca, Drobtinice in Pesem o zvezdah.

Leta 1996 umrl slovenski filozof, antropolog, psiholog in teolog dr. Anton Trstenjak.


1963 - na vrhu ameriške lestvice so The Beatles s skladbo 'She Loves You'.

1974 - na 1. mestu britanske lestvice je Carl Douglas s pesmijo 'Kung Fu Fighting'.

1979 - The Police so na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Message In A Bottle'.

1984 - Prince in zasedba Revolution sta na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Let's Go Crazy'.

1990 - Maria McKee kraljuje na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Show Me Heaven', naslovno filma Days Of Thunder.

2011 - umrl je slovenski harmonikar Lojze Slak. Z diatonično harmoniko in ansamblom Lojzeta Slaka je pustil izjemno narodno-zabavno glasbeno zapuščino.


1935 - ameriški pevec Jerry Lee Lewis ('Great Balls Of Fire').