Photo: AP Foto:
Photo: AP Foto:

In 1638, the French King Louis XIV is born. He was also known as the Sun King. The objectives of his foreign policy were France's dominance in Europe and to stop the Habsburg forces.

In 1929, the Russian astronaut Andrijan Grigorievich Nikolayev is born.

In 1972, a group of Palestinian commandos at the Olympic Games in Munich attacks the Israeli sports team. In the Olympic Village they kill two athletes, while others are held hostage. The tragedy that followed at the airport saw another 18 people killed.

In 1995, France launched underground nuclear tests on Mururoa Atoll, which was sharply condemned by the world's public.

In 1997, in Calcutta, India, Nobel Peace Prize winner Mother Teresa dies.


1964 - The Animals are No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'House Of The Rising Sun'.

1981 - Soft Cell is at the top of the British singles chart with 'Tainted Love'.

1998 - Aerosmith is No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'I Don't Want To Miss A Thing'.

1998 - Manic Street Preachers take the top spot on the British charts with 'If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next'.


1939 - John Stewart, singer in The Kingston Trio, for The Monkees he wrote ‘Daydream Believer’.

1946 - Freddie Mercury, singer in the group Queen (1975 'Bohemian Rhapsody).



Leta 1600 je angleška kraljica Elizabeta I. ustanovila Vzhodnoindijsko družbo. S tem je postavila temelje angleškemu kolonialnemu imperiju.

Leta 1638 se je rodil francoski kralj Ludvik XIV. , imenovan tudi Sončni kralj. Cilja njegove zunanje politike sta bila prevlada Francije v Evropi in ustavitev habsburške sile.

Leta 1929 se je rodil ruski astronavt Andrijan Grigorjevič Nikolajev.

Leta 1972 je skupina palestinskih komandosov na olimpijskih igrah v Munchnu napadla izraelsko športno moštvo. V olimpijski vasi so ubili dva športnika, druge pa zadržali kot talce. V tragediji, ki je sledila na letališču, je umrlo še 18 ljudi.

Leta 1995 je Francija začela izvajati podzemne jedrske poskuse na atolu Mururoa, kar je svetovna javnost ostro obsodila.

Leta 1997 je v Kalkuti v Indiji umrla mati Tereza.


1964 - The Animals so na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov s 'House Of The Rising Sun'.

1981 - Soft Cell so na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov s 'Tainted Love'.

1998 - Aerosmith so na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'I Don't Want To Miss A Thing'.

1998 - Manic Street Preachers zasedejo vrh britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next'.


1939 - John Stewart, pevec v The Kingston Trio, za The Monkees je napisal ‘Daydream Believer’.

1946 -, pevec skupine Queen (1975 'Bohemian Rhapsody'), umrl leta 1991.