Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1816, the famous German optician and fine mechanic Carl Zeiss is born. He founded his company in Jena and began the manufacture of optical and mechanical products.

In 1867, in Hamburg the first volume of Marx's Capital is published.

In 1940, the American film director and screenwriter is born. He directed successful films such as Carrie, Carlito's Way and Mission: Impossible.

In 1970, in Moscow politician Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, who began the process of de-Stalinisation in the Soviet Union, dies.

In 2001, al-Qaeda terrorists, led by Osama bin Laden, with planes demolish the two towers of the World Trade Centre in New York. At the same time another plane hit the Pentagon in Washington. A fourth plane, crashed in Pennsylvania.


1976 - KC and the Sunshine Band are at the top of the American charts with '(Shake Shake Shake), Shake Your Booty'.

1982 - Chicago reign on the American charts with 'Hard To Say I'm Sorry'.

1993 - Mariah Carey is No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Dreamlover'.


1965 - Moby, his real name is Richard Hall, producer and singer (1991 'Go').

1971 - Richard Ashcroft, guitarist and singer in the group The Verve (1997 'The Drugs Don't Work').



Leta 74. pr. n. št. je prišlo do Spartakovega upora. Spartak je bil rimski pomožni vojak, ki so ga poslali v gladiatorsko šolo. V uporu se mu je pridružilo 90.000 sužnjev in opustošili so južno Italijo. Do odločilnega spopada je prišlo pri Apuliji, v njem so voditelja ubili, druge pa križali.

Leta 1816 se je rodil znani nemški optik Carl Zeiss, ki je v Jeni ustanovil podjetje za proizvodnjo optičnih izdelkov.

Leta 1867 je v Hamburgu izšel prvi zvezek Marxovega Kapitala.

Leta 1940 se je rodil ameriški filmski režiser Brian de Palma. Režiral je uspešnice Carrie, Carlitov zakon in Misija Nemogoče.

Leta 1970 je v Moskvi umrl politik Nikita Sergejevič Hruščov, ki je začel proces destalinizacije v Sovjetski zvezi.

Leta 2001 so teroristi Al Kaide, ki jih je vodil Osama bin Laden, z letali napadli WTC v New Yorku in Pentagon v Washingtonu. Četrto letalo je padlo v Pensilvaniji.


1976 - KC and the Sunshine Band so na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo '(Shake Shake Shake), Shake Your Booty'.

1982 - Chicago kraljujejo na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Hard To Say I'm Sorry'.

1993 - Mariah Carey je na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Dreamlover'.


1965 - Moby, njegovo pravo ime je Richard Hall, producent in pevec (1991 'Go').

1971 - Richard Ashcroft, kitarist in pevec v skupini The Verve (1997 'The Drugs Don't Work').