Jure Zdovc Foto: EPA
Jure Zdovc Foto: EPA

In 1903 the ice cream cone is patented. The first ice cream cone was produced in 1896 by Italo Marchiony.

In 1929, the Toronto born Canadian actor Christopher Plummer is born. He is best known for his role in the film The Sound of Music.

In 1930 in Vienna, chemist of Slovenian descent (Fritz) Frederick Pregl dies. In 1923 he won the Nobel Prize for making important contributions to quantitative organic microanalysis.

In 1944, Japanese kamikaze, suicide pilots, destroyed the U. S. cruiser Nashville, killing 138 soldiers.

In 1966 basketball player Jure Zdovc, the coach of the Slovenian national basketball team, is born.


1962 - on the British charts No. 1 is Elvis Presley with the song 'Return To Sender'.

1986 - at the top of the American singles chart is Bruce Hornsby & The Range with the song ‘The Way It Is'.

2002 - UK music channel Music Choice analysed all the Christmas No. 1 singles from the past 30 years and identified criteria for their success. These included the use of sleigh bells, children singing, church bells harmony and references to love. They concluded that Sir Cliff Richards 1988 hit 'Mistletoe and Wine' was the perfect Christmas hit.


1967 - American actor and R&B singer Jamie Foxx, best known for his role in the musical about Ray Charles ('Gold Digger' with Kanye West).

1981 - Amy Lynn Lee, singer in the group Evanescence ('Fallen').

1989 - American singer Taylor Swift ('Our Song').


Leta 1797 se je rodil nemški pesnik, vodilni predstavnik Mlade Nemčije Henrich Heine.

Leta 1903 so patentirali kornet za sladoled. Prvi kornet je leta 1896 izdelal Italo Marchiony.

Leta 1929 se je v Torontu rodil kanadski igralec Christopher Plummer, najbolj znan iz filma Moje pesmi, moje sanje.

Leta 1930 je na Dunaju umrl kemik slovenskega rodu Friderik Pregl, ki je leta 1923 dobil Nobelovo nagrado za odkritje metode mikroanalize organskih snovi.

Leta 1944 so japonske kamikaze, piloti samomorilci, uničile ameriško križarko Nashville, pri čemer je umrlo 138 vojakov.

Leta 1966 se je rodil naš košarkar Jure Zdovc.


1962 - na vrhu britanske lestvice je Elvis Presley s pesmijo 'Return To Sender'.

1986 - na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov je skupina Bruce Hornsby & The Range s skladbo 'The Way It Is'.

2002 - britanski glasbeni program Music Choice je analiziral božične pesmi zadnjih 30 let, ki so zasedle prva mesta glasbenih lestvic. Upoštevali so vse elemente, ki jih takšne pesmi vsebujejo, od zvončkov, otroškega petja, cerkvenih zvonov, nežnih in ljubezenskih besedil. Ugotovili so, da je pesem 'Mistletoe and Wine', ki jo je leta 1988 posnel Cliff Richards, perfekten božični hit.


1981 - Amy Lynn Lee, pevka skupine Evanescence.

1989 - ameriška pevka Taylor Swift ('Our Song').