Photo: Reuters Foto:
Photo: Reuters Foto:

In 1786, the German Romantic composer and conductor Carl Maria von Weber is born. He created many fabulous operas, among others Carostrelec and Oberon.

In 1796, Empress Catherine the Great of Russia dies. She reigned from 1762, during which time she supported the development of Russian science and art, and the Europeanization of Russia.

In 1869, the French Empress Eugene opened the Suez Canal, which took ten years to build. It was designed by the French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps.

In 1925, the American actor Rock Hudson is born.

In 1942 American director Martin Scorsese is born. He has directed landmark films such as the crime films Goodfellas and Casino, Gangs of New York and The Wolf of Wall Street.

In 1944, the American actor, producer and director Danny DeVito is born.

In 1988, in Pakistan Benazir Bhutto wins the election and becomes the first woman to head an Islamic state.


1962 - The Four Seasons with their song 'Big Girls Don't Cry' are No. 1 on the American singles chart.

1966 - at the top of the British charts are The Beach Boys with the song 'Good Vibrations'.

1979 - in the USA the song 'Still' by The Commodores is No. 1 on the singles chart.

1985 - Wham! are at No. 1 on the UK album chart with 'Make It Big' and No. 1 on the US singles chart with 'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go'.

2007 - The Eagles are at No. 1 on the US album chart with 'Long Road Out Of Eden'.


1944 - Gene Clark, singer in the group The Byrds ('Mr Tambourine Man').

1981 - Sarah Harding, singer in the group Girls Aloud.



Leta 1476 so ubili romunskega kneza Vlada Tepesa, znanega po vzdevku Drakula.

Leta 1558 je angleški prestol zasedla Elizabeta I., hči Henrika VIII. in njegove druge žene Ane Boleyn.

Leta 1786 se je rodil nemški romantični skladatelj in dirigent Carl Maria von Weber, ki je ustvaril številne pravljične opere, tudi Carostrelec in Oberon.

Leta 1796 je v Carskem selu umrla ruska carica Katarina II. Velika. Vladala je od leta 1762, podpirala razvoj ruske znanosti in umetnosti.

Leta 1869 je francoska cesarica Evgenija odprla Sueški kanal, ki so ga gradili deset let, po načrtih francoskega inženirja Ferdinanda de Lessepsa.

Leta 1925 se je rodil ameriški igralec Rock Hudson.

Leta 1942 se je rodil ameriški režiser , znan po filmih Goodfellas, Casino, Gangs of New York, Hugo, The Wolf of Wall Street idr.

Leta 1944 se je rodil filmski igralec Danny de Vito.

Leta 1988 je na volitvah v Pakistanu zmagala Benazir Buto, ki je tako postala prva ženska na čelu islamske države.

Leta 2000 je plaz v Logu pod Mangartom pokopal sedem ljudi. Poškodovanih je bilo več hiš, mostov, cest in elektrarna.


1962 - The Four Seasons so s skladbo 'Big Girls Don't Cry' na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov.

1966 - na vrhu britanske lestvice so The Beach Boys s pesmijo 'Good Vibrations'.

1979 - v ZDA je na 1. mestu skladba 'Still' od zasedbe The Commodores.

1985 - duo Wham! je na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Make It Big' in na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go'.

2007 - The Eagles so na vrhu ameriške lestvice z albumom 'Long Road Out Of Eden'.


1944 - Gene Clark, pevec zasedbe The Byrds ('Mr Tambourine Man').

1981 - Sarah Harding, pevka zasedbe Girls Aloud.