Steven Spielberg Foto: EPA
Steven Spielberg Foto: EPA

In 1786, Karl Maria von Weber, German composer, pianist and conductor is born.

In 1849, William Bond Cranchi takes the first shot of the Moon through a telescope.

In 1913, Willy Brandt is born. He became Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.

In 1947, American film director Steven Spielberg is born.

In 1963, American actor Brad Pitt is born.

In 1970, Slovenian theatre and film actor Stane Sever dies.


1961 - The Tokens take the top spot on the American singles chart with 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight'.

1982 - Hall and Oates take the No. 1 spot on the American singles chart with 'Maneater'.

1993 - Take That is No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'Babe'.


1943 - Keith Richards, member of the The Rolling Stones ('Satisfaction').

1963 - singer Nino de Angelo (1984 'Guardian Angel').

1975 - Sia, Australian singer and songwriter (2014 '1000 Forms of Fear').

1980 - singer Christina Aguilera (2002 'Beautiful').



Leta 1737 je umrl Antonio Stradivari, italijanski izdelovalec glasbil. Velja za nepresegljivega izdelovalca violin.

Leta 1786 se je rodil Karl Maria Von Weber, nemški skladatelj, pianist in dirigent.

Leta 1842 se je rodila Ernestina Jelovšek, hči Franceta Prešerna.

Leta 1849 je William Cranch Bond napravil prvi posnetek Lune skozi teleskop.

Leta 1913 se je rodil Willy Brandt, berlinski župan, zunanji minister in kancler Zvezne republike Nemčije.

Leta 1947 se je rodil ameriški filmski režiser Steven Spielberg. V 70. , 80. in 90. letih so trije njegovi filmi postali najdonosnejši filmi tistega časa, to so bili Žrelo, E. T. vesoljček in Jurski park.

Leta 1963 se je rodil ameriški igralec Brad Pitt.

Leta 1970 je umrl gledališki in filmski igralec Stane Sever.


1961 - The Tokens zasedejo vrh ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight'.

1982 - Hall and Oates sta na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Maneater'.

1993 - Take That so na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Babe'.


1943 - Keith Richards, član skupine The Rolling Stones ('Satisfaction').

1963 - pevec Nino de Angelo (1984 'Guardian Angel').

1975 - avstralska pevka Sia (2014 '1000 Forms of Fear').

1980 - pevka Christina Aguilera (2002 'Beautiful').