Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1783, the Montgolfier brothers safely lifted off in a hot air balloon with their first passengers.

In 1941, the Nazis gave the order that all Jews must wear the Star of David.

In 1955, after an uprising by the infantry and navy, Juan Peron had to leave Argentina. In 1973 he returned to his homeland, and then became president of the country.

In 1975, in Maribor the establishment of the University of Maribor is officially announced.

In 1991, the German tourists walking on the Similaun glacier in Tirol's Alps near the Italian-Austrian border came across the frozen body of a human. It was later proven that the body dated from about 3. 300 years BC and as such is the oldest known mummified human body. The man, who was named Ötzi, was frozen while crossing the Alps. He was discovered by Helmut and Erika Simon, German ramblers from Nurnberg.


1960 - Chubby Checker excites America with his 'The Twist'.

1969 - Creedence Clearwater Revival is at the top of the British charts with 'Bad Moon Rising'.

1970 - Diana Ross takes the No. 1 spot on the American charts with the song 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough'.

1998 - Robbie Williams is at the top of the British singles chart with 'Millennium'.

1999 - Italian group Eiffel 65 is at the top of the British charts with 'Blue (Da Ba Dee').


1931 - Singer Brook Benton (1979 'Rainy Night In Georgia').

1940 - Bill Medley, (1965 'You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin').

1963 - Jarvis Cocker, singer in the group Pulp (1995 'Common People').

1969 - saxophonist Candy Dulfer, (1990 'Lily Was Here' with David A Stewart).



Leta 1710 je umrl danski matematik Ole Christensen Romer, ki je iznašel meridianski krog. Romer je iz nastopov mrkov štirih najsvetlejših Jupitrovih satelitov prvi določil svetlobno hitrost.

Leta 1783 sta brata Montgolfier varno spustila v zrak balon na vroči zrak. Prvi potniki so bili ovca, petelin in raca.

Leta 1941 so nacisti ukazali, da morajo Judi nositi Davidovo zvezdo.

Leta 1955 je po uporu pehote in mornarice Juan Peron moral zapustiti Argentino. Vrnil se je leta 1973 in znova postal predsednik države.

Leta 1975 so v Mariboru razglasili ustanovitev Univerze.

Leta 1991 sta nemška turista Helmut in Erika Simon, na ledeniku Similaun v tirolskih Alpah, naletela na truplo zmrznjenega človeka. Kasneje so dokazali, da je truplo iz obdobja okoli leta 3.300 pred našim štetjem in tako najstarejše mumificirano človeško telo. Moškega so poimenovali Ötzi.


1960 - Chubby Checker navdušijo Ameriko s svojo 'The Twist'.

1969 - Creedence Clearwater Revival so na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Bad Moon Rising'.

1970 - Diana Ross zasede vrh ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough'.

1998 - Robbie Williams je na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov z 'Millennium'.

1999 - Italijanska zasedba Eiffel 65 je na vrhu britanske lestvice s singlom 'Blue (Da Ba Dee').


1931 - pevec Brook Benton (1979 'Rainy Night In Georgia').

1940 - Bill Medley ('1965 'You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin').

1963 - Jarvis Cocker, pevec skupine Pulp (1995 'Common People').

1969 - saksofonistka Candy Dulfer, (1990 'Lily Was Here').