Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1862, the French composer Claude Achille Debussy is born.

In 1864, twelve countries signed the Geneva Convention, which protects the wounded on the battlefield. It was the foundation for the establishment of the Red Cross.

In 1865, a patent for liquid soap is issued to William Sheppard.

In 1902, the German film director and photographer Leni Riefenstahl is born. Her documentary films about the Olympics in 1936 and the Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg for many years raised controversy that she ranked among the notables of Hitler's Reich, while she always reiterated that politics never interested her.

In 1932, the BBC began its first TV broadcast in England.

In 1941, the German troops begin the siege of Leningrad.


1964 - The Supremes are No. 1 on the American charts with the song 'Where Did Our Love Go'.

1987 - Madonna takes the top spot on the American charts with 'Who's That Girl'.

2011 - composer Jerry Leiber dies. Among many songs he was also the author of 'Hound Dog', 'Jailhouse Rock', 'King Creole', 'There Goes My Baby', 'Searchin', 'Yakety Yak', 'Stand By Me', 'Poison Ivy,' and 'Kansas City'.


1917 - John Lee Hooker, guitarist, blues singer (1951 'I'm In The Mood').

1936 - Dale Hawkins, rockabilly singer, guitarist (1957 'Susie Q').

1945 - Ron Dante, singer in the group The Archies (1969 'Sugar Sugar').

1963 - Singer Tori Amos (1994 'Cornflake Girl').



Leta 1860 se je rodil nemški inženir Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, ki velja za očeta televizije. Izumil je nipkovo ploščo, uporabno za mehanično razstavljanje slik.

Leta 1862 se je rodil francoski skladatelj Claude Achille Debussy.

Leta 1864 je dvanajst držav podpisalo Ženevsko konvencijo, ki je zaščitila ranjence na bojiščih. Bila je temelj za ustanovitev Rdečega križa.

Leta 1865 dobi William Sheppard patent za tekoče milo.

Leta 1902 se je rodila nemška filmska režiserka in fotografinja Leni Riefenstahl. Z dokumentarnimi filmi o olimpijskih igrah in kongresu nacistične stranke v Nurnbergu so nekateri menili, da je sodila med ugledneže Hitlerjevega rajha. Sama je trdila, da je politika nikoli ni zanimala.

Leta 1932 je v Angliji prvič oddajal BBC.


1964 - The Supremes so na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Where Did Our Love Go'.

1987 - Madonna je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Who's That Girl'.

2011 - umrl je skladatelj Jerry Leiber, avtor hitov 'Hound Dog', 'Jailhouse Rock', 'King Creole', 'There Goes My Baby', 'Searchin', 'Yakety Yak', 'Stand By Me', 'Poison Ivy,' in 'Kansas City'.


1917 - John Lee Hooker, kitarist, pevec bluesa (1951 'I'm In The Mood').

1936 - Dale Hawkins, rockabilly pevec (1957 'Susie Q').

1945 - Ron Dante, pevec v skupini The Archies (1969 'Sugar Sugar').

1963 - pevka Tori Amos (1994 'Cornflake Girl').