Foto: BoBo
Foto: BoBo

In 1783 in Grenoble French writer and critic Marie Henry Beyle Stendhal is born. He is considered one of the earliest and foremost practitioners of realism. Best known are his two novels The Red and The Black and The Charterhouse of Parma.

In 1872 the Slovene architect of contemporary architecture Jože Plečnik is born.

In 1878 in Vinica in the region of Bela krajina the Slovene poet Oton Župančič is born.

In 1989 the Spanish painter Salvador Dali dies. He is renowned as one of the most important but also controversial artists of the 20th Century.


1965 - British singer Petula Clark with the song 'Downtown' is No. 1 on the American singles chart.

1971 - English musician George Harrison with the song 'My Sweet Lord' is No. 1 on the British singles chart.

1971 - Dawn takes 1. place on the American singles chart with the composition 'Knock Three Times'.

1988 - Michael Jackson with the song 'The Way You Make Me Feel' is No. 1 on the American singles chart.

2000 - Santana is No. 1 on the US album chart with 'Supernatural', including Smooth, Maria Maria and Corazon Espinado.


1948 - Anita Pointer, singer in The Pointer Sisters ('Jump for My Love').

1953 - Robin Zander, singer with Cheap Trick ('I Want You to Want Me').


Leta 1646 se je rodil francoski arhitekt Jules Hardouin Mansart, ki je vodil gradnjo graščine v Versaillesu. Po njem se imenuje podstrešni prostor mansarda.

Leta 1783 se je v Grenoblu rodil francoski pisatelj in kritik Marie Henry Beyle Stendhal, predhodnik realizma. Najbolj znana sta psihološka romana Rdeče in črno in Parmska kartuzija.

Leta 1872 se je rodil slovenski arhitekt moderne arhitekture Jože Plečnik. V Ljubljani je med drugim ustvaril Narodno in univerzitetno knjižnico, Žale, pokrite tržnice, centralni stadion, zapornico, Križanke, Tromostovje, Čevljarski most.

Leta 1878 se je v Vinici v Beli krajini rodil slovenski pesnik Oton Župančič.

Leta 1989 je umrl španski slikar Salvador Dali. Velja za enega pomembnejših, a tudi najspornejših slikarjev 20. stoletja.


1965 - britanska pevka Petula Clark je s pesmijo 'Downtown' na vrhu ameriške lestvice.

1971 - angleški glasbenik George Harrison je s pesmijo 'My Sweet Lord' na 1. mestu britanske lestvice.

1971 - skupina Dawn je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Knock Three Times'.

1986 - Chuck Berry, James Brown, Ray Charles, Fats Domino, Everly Brothers, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis in Elvis Presley so prvi sprejeti v alejo slavnih 'Rock and Roll Hall of Fame'.

1988 - Michael Jackson je s pesmijo 'The Way You Make Me Feel' na vrhu ameriške lestvice.

2000 - Santana je na vrhu ameriške lestvice z albumom 'Supernatural', na katerem so tudi Smooth, Maria Maria in Corazon Espinado.


1948 - Anita Pointer, pevka v The Pointer Sisters ('Jump for my love').

1953 - Robin Zander, pevec zasedbe Cheap Trick ('I Want You To Want Me').