Paul Newman Foto: Reuters
Paul Newman Foto: Reuters

In 1921 an unknown soldier is buried beneath the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. An eternal light burns in memory of all those who died in the First World War and were never identified.

In 1925 American actor and film director Paul Newman is born. He won Academy Award for best actor for his performance in film The Color of Money. Newman starred in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Cool Hand Luke, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and many more. He died in 2008.

In 1945 the iron gates of the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp close. During the five years it was in operation 4 million people lost their lives there. Only six thousand of them survived to see liberation.

In 1993 Czech writer Vaclav Havel becomes first president of the Czech Republic.

In 2004 Slovenia ratifies the accession treaty to the European Union.


1961 - Elvis Presley is No. 1 on the British singles chart with 'Are You Lonesome Tonight'.

1965 - Petula Clark is at the top of the American singles chart with 'Downtown', the still very young Jimmy Page played the guitar in this song.

1973 - Sweet is in 1. Place on the British singles chart with 'Blockbuster'.

1991 - Queen are at No. 1 on the UK singles chart with 'Innuendo'.

2008 - Alicia Keys is at No. 1 on the US album chart with 'As I Am'.


1955 - Eddie Van Halen, guitarist in the group Van Halen (1984 'Jump').

1958 - soul singer Anita Baker (1986 'Sweet Love').

1963 - Andrew Ridgeley, with George Michael create the duo Wham (1984 'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go').



Leta 1797 se je rodil slovenski kritik in zgodovinar Matija Čop.

Leta 1921 so pod Slavolokom zmage v Parizu naredili simboličen grob, posvečen neznanemu junaku. S tem so se poklonili vsem neznanim, ki so padli v prvi svetovni vojni.

Leta 1925 se je rodil ameriški igralec . Za film Barva denarja je leta 1987 dobil oskarja, leto prej ga je prejel za življensko delo, zanj pa je bil nominiran desetkrat. Njegovo kariero so najbolj zaznamovale vloge v filmih Mačka na vroči pločevinasti strehi, Hladnokrvni Luke in Butch Cassidy in Sundance Kid. Newman je umrl leta 2008.

Leta 1945 so zaprli železna vrata zloglasnega taborišča Auschwitz. V petih letih je tam umrlo 4 milijone ljudi. Osvoboditev jih je dočakalo le šest tisoč.

Leta 1993 je česki pisatelj Vaclav Havel postal predsednik Češke.

Leta 2004 je Slovenija ratificirala pristopno pogodbo k Evropski uniji.


1961 - Elvis Presley je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice singlov z 'Are You Lonesome Tonight'.

1965 - Petula Clark je na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Downtown', še zelo mlad Jimmy Page je v tej pesmi igral kitaro.

1973 - zasedba Sweet je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Blockbuster'.

1991 - skupina Queen je s pesmijo 'Innuendo' na vrhu britanske lestvice.

2008 - Alicia Keys je na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice z albumom 'As I Am'.


1955 - Eddie Van Halen, kitarist v Van Halen (1984 'Jump').

1958 - soul pevka Anita Baker (1986 'Sweet Love').

1963 - Andrew Ridgeley, z Georgem Michaleom je tvoril duet Wham (1984 'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go').