Foto: EPA
Foto: EPA

In 1897 the German composer and pianist Johannes Brahms dies. He was a master of romantic symphonies and concerts. He is famous for his German Requiem.

In 1860 a mail service is established between Sacramento and St. Joseph. It is called the Pony Express. The 1900 mile long route was maintained by 80 riders, who changed their horses every 10 miles.

In 1924 the American actor Marlon Brando is born.

In 1945 the advance party of the Red Army accompanied by a group from the Prekmurje Brigade march into the town of Murska Sobota, the next day they liberate to rest of Prekmurje.

In 1961 the American actor Eddie Murphy is born.


1961 - The Marcels are No. 1 on the American singles chart with their song 'Blue Moon'.

1971 - The Temptations were No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)'.

1993 - The Bluebells is at No. 1 in the UK singles chart with 'Young At Heart'.

1993 - Depeche Mode went to No. 1 on the UK album chart with 'Songs Of Faith And Devotion'.

2011 - Adele broke the record for the longest time at No. 1 in the UK album chart by a female solo artist after her album '21' spent 10 weeks at the top. The previous record was held by Madonna with her record 'The Immaculate Collection', in 1990.


Y1924 - Singer and actress Doris Day ('Whatever Will Be, Will Be, Que Sera, Sera').

1938 - Jeff Barry, songwriter, who also wrote 'Tell Laura I Love Her', 'Da Doo Ron Ron', 'Be My Baby', 'Baby I Love You', and 'Do Wah Diddy Diddy.

1944 - Tony Orlando, singer in Dawn, (1971 'Knock Three Times').

1968 - Sebastian Bach, singer in the group Skid Row (1989 'I remember you').

1985 - Leona Lewis, singer, (2006 'A Moment Like This').


Leta 1783 se je v New Yorku rodil ameriški pripovednik, esejist Washington Irving. Napisal je periodično zgodovino New Yorka in biografijo Krištofa Kolumba.

Leta 1897 je umrl nemški skladatelj in pianist Johannes Brahms, mojster romantične simfonije in koncertov. Znan je njegov Nemški requiem.

Leta 1860 so med Sacramentom in Saint Josephom vpeljali poštno zvezo, imenovano Ponny Express. 1900 milj dolgo progo so vzdrževali z 80 jezdeci, ki so konje menjavali vsakih deset milj.

Leta 1885 je Gottlieb Daimler dobil nemški patent za svoj izum, avtomobilski motor.

Leta 1924 se je rodil ameriški igralec in dvakratni oskarjevec Marlon Brando.

Leta 1930 se je rodil petkratni nemški kancler dr. Helmut Josef Michael Kohl.

Leta 1945 so predhodnice Rdeče armade s Prekmursko brigado vkorakale v Mursko Soboto, naslednji dan pa osvobodile preostali del Prekmurja.

Leta 1961 se je rodil ameriški igralec Eddie Murphy.


1961 - The Marcels so na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Blue Moon'.

1968 - Simon and Garfunkel izdata album 'Bookends', zelo uspešen pri kritikih.

1971 - The Temptations so na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)'.

1993 - zasedba The Bluebells je na vrhu britanske lestvice s pesmijo 'Young At Heart'.

1993 - Depeche Mode so na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Songs Of Faith And Devotion'.

2011 - Adele je podrla rekord, s svojim albumom '21' je bila na vrhu britanske lestvice 10 tednov. Madonnin rekord je bil leta 1990 z albumom 'The Immaculate Collection'.


1924 - pevka, igralka Doris Day ('Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera).

1938 - Jeff Barry, tekstopisec, ki je napisal tudi 'Tell Laura I Love Her', 'Da Doo Ron Ron', 'Be My Baby', 'Baby I Love You', 'Do Wah Diddy Diddy.

1944 - Tony Orlando, pevec zasedbe Dawn, (1971 'Knock Three Times').

1968 - Sebastian Bach, pevec skupine Skid Row (1989 'I remember you').

1985 - pevka Leona Lewis, (2006 'A Moment Like This').