Foto: Reuters
Foto: Reuters

In 1819 the American writer Walt Whitman is born. He was the most important poet of the second half of the 19th century. His most famous poetry collection is Leaves of Grass.

In 1854 the Croatian composer and author of the first Croatian opera Ljubezen in zloba, Vatroslav Lisinski dies.

In 1930 the American actor Clint Eastwood was born.

In 1962 in Ramleh prison in Tel Aviv former head of the Jewish papers in Nazi Germany, Adolf Eichmann hanged himself. He was guilty for numerous massacres of Jews.

In 1990, at the initiative of France a ban came into force on imports of beef from Great Britain to Europe. This was due to fears of mad cow disease.


1980 - Lipps Inc is No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Funkytown'.

1980 - Paul McCartney with his album 'McCartney II' is No. 1 on the British albums chart.

1980 - Music from the film M*A*S*H* (Suicide Is Painless) is No. 1 on the British singles chart.

1998 - Simply Red went to No. 1 on the UK album chart with 'Blue', including 'To be free' and 'The air that I breathe'.


1947 - Junior Campbell, singer in the group Marmalade (Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da).

1952 - Karl Bartos, singer in the group Kraftwerk ('Computer Love / The Model').

1964 - MC Darryl 'D' McDaniels, singer in the group Run-DMC (1998 'It's Like That').



Leta 1809 je na Dunaju umrl skladatelj dunajske glasbene klasike Joseph Haydn. Napisal je številne oratorije, simfonije in godalne kvartete.

Leta 1819 se je rodil ameriški književnik Walt Whitman. Njegova najbolj znana pesniška zbirka je Travne bilke.

Leta 1854 je umrl hrvaški skladatelj Vatroslav Lisinsk, avtor prve hrvaške opere Ljubezen in zloba.

Leta 1884 je John Harvey Kellog patentiral koruzne kosmiče.

Leta 1930 se je rodil ameriški režiser in igralec Clint Eastwood.

Leta 1962 so v zaporu v Tel Avivu obesili vodjo judovskega referata v nacistični Nemčiji, Adolfa Eichmanna, ki je bil krivec za številne poboje Judov.

Leta 1990 je na pobudo Francije stopila v veljavo prepoved uvoza govedine iz Velike Britanije v Evropo zaradi bojazni pred boleznijo norih krav.


1980 - Lipps Inc so na 1. mestu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Funkytown'.

1980 - Paul McCartney je z albumom 'McCartney II' na 1. mestu britanske lestvice albumov.

1980 - skladba iz filma M*A*S*H* (Suicide Is Painless) je na 1. mestu britanske lestvice singlov.

1998 - Simply Red so na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Blue', na katerem sta tudi 'To be free' in 'The air that I breathe'.


1947 - Junior Campbell, pevec v skupini Marmalade (Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da).

1952 - Karl Bartos, pevec zasedbe Kraftwerk ('Computer Love / The Model').

1964 - MC Darryl 'D' McDaniels, pevec skupine Run-DMC (1998 'It's Like That').