Foto: Reuters
Foto: Reuters

In 1818 the USA flag is officially confirmed by the American Congress. The flag is made up of 13 red and white lines. The original flag had 20 stars on it; every time a new state joined the United States of America another star was added.

In 1883 in Maribor entrepreneur Karl Scherbaum installed at his steam mill the first electric lighting with 36 light bulbs, marking the time Maribor got its first electric light bulb.

In 1929 the German engineer Carl Benz, who constructed the first automobile, dies.

In 1949 the North Atlantic Treaty is signed, thus forming the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, an intergovernmental military alliance, called NATO.

In 1965 the American actor Robert Downey Jr. is born.

In 1968 in Memphis Baptist minister Martin Luther King is assassinated. He was a staunch fighter for the rights of African-Americans and in 1964 he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

In 1973 the World Trade Centre in New York officially opens.

In 1979 the Australian actor Heath Ledger is born. He died in 2008.


1964 - The Beatles occupy the first five places on the American singles chart. In fifth place 'Please Please Me', in fourth place 'I Want To Hold Your Hand', in third place 'Roll Over Beethoven', in second place 'Love Me Do' and in the No. 1 spot 'Can't Buy Me Love'.

1970 - Crosby Stills Nash & Young are No. 1 on the American album chart with 'Deja Vu'. They were joined by Neil Young on this album and the songs include ‘Teach Your Children', 'Our House' and 'Woodstock'.

1981 - Bucks Fizz wins the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin with their song 'Making Your Mind Up'.

1987 - Starship is at No. 1 on the American singles chart with 'Nothin's Gonna Stop Us'.

1992 - Bruce Springsteen is at No. 1 on the British albums chart with 'Human Touch'.


1952 - Guitarist and singer Gary Moore ('Still got the blues'), he died in 2011.


Leta 186 se je rodil rimski cesar Mark Avrelij Antonij, ki je na prestol stopil kot izredno surov vladar, ki se je že na začetku znebil svojega brata Geta ter 20.000 njegovih privržencev. Na njegovo pobudo so zgradili terme v Rimu.

Leta 1818 je ameriški kongres uradno potrdil zastavo ZDA, ki je sestavljena iz 13 rdečih in belih črt. Prva zastava je imela 20 zvezdic, vedno ko se je nova država pridružila ZDA, pa so na zastavo dodali novo zvezdico.

Leta 1883 je mariborski podjetnik Karl Scherbaum na svojem parnem mlinu napeljal prvo električno razsvetljavo s 36 žarnicami, s čimer je mesto Maribor dobilo elektriko.

Leta 1929 je umrl nemški inženir Carl Benz, ki je skonstruiral prvi avtomobil.

Leta 1949 je bila ustanovljena Severnoatlantska obrambna organizacija Nato.

Leta 1965 se je rodil ameriški igralec Robert Downey Jr.

Leta 1979 se je rodil avstralski igralec Heath Ledger, ki je umrl leta 2008.

Leta 1968 je bil v Memphisu ubit baptistični duhovnik Martin Luther King, borec za pravice črncev. Leta 1964 je prejel Nobelovo nagrado za mir.

Leta 1973 so v New Yorku odprli World Trade Center.


1964 - The Beatles so zasedli prvih 5 mest ameriške lestvice singlov. Od petega mesta proti prvemu so si sledile: 'Please Please Me', 'I Want To Hold Your Hand', 'Roll Over Beethoven', 'Love Me Do' in 'Can't Buy Me Love'.

1970 - Crosby Stills Nash & Young so na vrhu ameriške lestvice z albumom 'Deja Vu'. Prvi trojici se je pridružil Neil Young, na tem albumu so tudi 'Teach Your Children', 'Our House' in 'Woodstock'.

1981 - Bucks Fizz zmagajo na Eurosongu v Dublinu s pesmijo 'Making Your Mind Up'.

1987 - Starship so na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Nothin's Gonna Stop Us'.

1992 - Bruce Springsteen je na vrhu britanske lestvice z albumom 'Human Touch.'


1952 - kitarist, pevec Gary Moore ('Still got the blues'), umrl leta 2011.