Foto: EPA
Foto: EPA

In 1918, American film actor, producer and author Kirk Douglas, whose real name was Issur Danielovitch, is born. He acted in many films including Spartacus, Paths of Glory, and Lonely Are The Brave.

In 1934, English actress Judi Dench is born.

In 1953, American actor John Malkovich is born.

In 1967, Nicolae Ceausescu becomes president of Romania. The period of his reign was a period of dictatorship in this country.

In 1992, the Prime Minister of Great Britain John Major announced the separation of Prince Charles and his wife Lady Di.


1978 - at the top of the American charts is the song 'Le Freak' by the group Chic.

1989 - Billy Joel is No. 1 on the American charts with ' We Didn't Start The Fire'.

1995 - Michael Jackson with 'Earth Song' is No. 1 on the British charts.


Y1932 - Junior Wells, American blues singer and harmonica player. Worked with Muddy Waters, Van Morrison, Carlos Santana, Bonnie Raitt, The Rolling Stones.

1957 - American singer Donny Osmond (‘Puppy Love’).


Leta 1608 se je rodil britanski pesnik John Milton.

Leta 1871 se je rodil pisatelj Fran Govekar, glavni predstavnik slovenskega naturalizma. Njegovo najpomembnejše delo je roman V krvi.

Leta 1918 se je rodil ameriški igralec Kirk Douglas, s pravim imenom Issur Danielovitch. Igral je v filmih Spartak, Steze slave, Osamljeni so pogumni.

Leta 1934 se je rodila britanska igralka Judi Dench.

Leta 1953 se je rodil ameriški igralec John Malkovich.

Leta 1967 je Nicolae Ceausescu postal predsednik Romunije. Obdobje njegove vladavine je obdobje diktature v tej državi.

Leta 1980 se je rodil slovenski rokometaš Luka Žvižej.


1978 - v ZDA osvoji vrh lestvice skladba 'Le Freak' zasedbe Chic.

1989 - Billy Joel je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'We Didn't Start The Fire'.

1995 - Michael Jackson je s skladbo 'Earth Song' na vrhu britanske lestvice.


1932 - Junior Wells, ameriški pevec bluesa, mojster harmonike, ki je veliko sodeloval z glasbenimi imeni kot so Muddy Waters, Van Morrison, Carlos Santana, Bonnie Raitt, The Rolling Stones.

1957 - ameriški radijski voditelj in pevec Donny Osmond (‘Puppy Love’).