#Green Generation/Young Village Folk - Vesela motika (ENG)

Ker želimo, da dokumentarno zgodbo spozna tudi mednarodna javnost, objavljamo še angleško različico. After completing her Master’s degree, Ivana has started her career in a company called Vesela motika (ang. Happy hoe), which develops new digital technologies and business models in the field of food production. She is now growing sprouts, called “microgreense”, spices and different seedlings in the building of a former dancing school near Zagreb food market. When possible, she is also joined by a colleague Roberta, who is pursuing her PhD in the field of sprouts production. Another member of the young team is Lorena, an agronomy student. The founder of Vesela motika, Sergej Lukovič, profesor at the Zagreb University, economist and financial expert, musician and an IT specialist, is convinced that the young can greatly contribute to innovation in food production in closed spaces.