Kavtičnik si kruh služi pri francoskem rokometnem klubu Montpellier. Foto: EPA
Kavtičnik si kruh služi pri francoskem rokometnem klubu Montpellier. Foto: EPA

Kot je zapisal 32-letni rokometaš na Instagramu, ima najbrž strgane križne vezi desnega kolena.

"Koleno sem poškodoval pet minut pred koncem tekme. Po včerajšnjih zdravniških pregledih zdravniki sumijo, da imam strgane vezi. Jutri se vračam v Montpellier, kjer bom s tamkajšnjo zdravstveno ekipo opravil nove preiskave," je zapisal kapetan slovenske reprezentance.

Že po tekmi s Hrvaško je Kavtičnik sumil, da gre za hujšo poškodbo in dodal, da je pripravljen na najhujše: "Če je bilo treba izgubiti koleno za medaljo, tudi prav."

Vsekakor Kavtičnika, ki so ga poslušalci Vala 202 danes izbrali za ime tedna, čaka dolgo okrevanje, če bodo preiskave v Francije potrdile, da gre za strgane križne vezi. Letošnja sezona bi bila za rokometaša s tem najbrž končana.

Hey guys! As I said many times our story during this World Championship in France is amazing and our comeback in the last game for the bronze medal was the result of our belief that we as a team can still make it and did what almost no one did before us! Unfortunately, I injured my knee at the same game just 5 min before the end! After yesterday's medical examination the doctors suspect that my ACL (cross ligament) in right knee is torn. I will travel back to Montpellier tomorrow to my club and continue the medical examinations with the club's medical team. I will keep everyone updated on the situation as it evolves. Thank you all again for your amazing support this past month and especially in the past couple of days! We couldn't have done it without you ! Vidko

A photo posted by Vid Kavticnik (@vidko) on Jan 30, 2017 at 4:46am PST