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Radio Si - Archive

Slovenia's Nika Križnar wins World Cup event in Lahti

News Slovenia's Nika Križnar wins World Cup event in Lahti


It was the sixth individual World Cup career win for 23-year-old Križnar, and the first this season.

Tina Vrščaj für EU-Literaturpreis nominiert

News Tina Vrščaj für EU-Literaturpreis nominiert


Tina Vrščaj ist für ihren dritten Roman mit dem Titel "Auf dem Hügel" für den EU-Literaturpreis nominiert worden.

Skoraj mesec dni Fabule

Coming up Skoraj mesec dni Fabule


Priznani literarni festival bo trajal skoraj mesec dni, vodja Aljaž Koprivnikar pa obljublja bogat program. Med gosti tudi lanskoletni bookerjev nagrajenec, bolgarski avtor Georgi Gospodinov.

Calvin Harris & Rag'n'Bone Man – Lovers In A Past Life

Fresh Cut Calvin Harris & Rag'n'Bone Man – Lovers In A Past Life


Škotski glasbeni producent Calvin Harris se je po uspešnici Giant iz leta 2019 ponovno povezal z izjemnim angleškim vokalistom Rag'n'Bone Manom in izdal nalezljiv single z naslovom Lovers In A Past Life.

Wirtschaftsprognose leicht nach unten korrigiert

News Wirtschaftsprognose leicht nach unten korrigiert


Dennoch steigt das Wachstum in Slowenien im Vergleich zum Vorjahr merklich.

Another World War II Bomb Discovered in Nova Gorica

News Another World War II Bomb Discovered in Nova Gorica


Both bombs will be deactivated next week, most likely on Sunday the 10th of March. This was the date given for the deactivation of the first bomb, which was located about 50 metres away.

Inflation in Slovenia Rose Slightly in February

News Inflation in Slovenia Rose Slightly in February


The cost of goods and services rose by 2.6 and 5.1%, respectively, year on year. A government think tank has also marginally downgraded the growth forecast for the year to 2.4%. This should rise to 2.5% next year and 2.6% in 2026.

RadioSi Main Stage - ZMELKOOW

Radio Si Main Stage RadioSi Main Stage - ZMELKOOW


V četrtek, 07.03.2024 dopoldan – ekskluzivno na našem odru – V ŽIVO! ... samosvoji provokativni primorski rockerji ZMELKOOW!!!

Justice Feat. Tama Impala – One Night/All Night

Fresh Cut Justice Feat. Tama Impala – One Night/All Night


Priznani francoski elektro duet Justice je po osmih letih objavil single One Night/All Night, na katerem sodeluje s priznanim avstralskim glasbenikom Kevinom Parkerjem, ki ga zagotovo poznate pod imenom Tame Impala.

Final viaduct on Koper-Divača rail track completed

News Final viaduct on Koper-Divača rail track completed


The third and final viaduct of the new Koper-Divača rail track has been completed, marking a significant milestone in the project.

Mladi in politična participacija: izzivi in možnosti

Euranet Plus Mladi in politična participacija: izzivi in možnosti


Kako mladi, generacija Z, razmišljajo o tem, ali je bolje biti član stranke ali biti družbeni aktivist

Pearl Jam – Dark Matter

Fresh Cut Pearl Jam – Dark Matter


Sredi aprila bo izšel dvanajsti studijski album legendarne ameriške grunge skupine Pearl Jam z naslovom Dark Matter.

Farmers in Slovenia announce new protests

News Farmers in Slovenia announce new protests


The Farmers' Union held a meeting with agriculture and finance ministry officials today regarding the tax status of direct payments for farming in less favoured areas, but no progress had been achieved.

Ärztestreik dauert an

News Ärztestreik dauert an


Regierung bereitet sich auf Verschärfung des Ärztestreiks vor.

WW2-era bomb uncovered in Nova Gorica

News WW2-era bomb uncovered in Nova Gorica


The unexploded ordinance will be monitored until it is safely disposed of later in March.

Em Beihold -- Maybe Life Is Good

Fresh Cut Em Beihold -- Maybe Life Is Good


Ameriška glasbenica s platinasto naklado Em Beihold je nedavno predstavila svojo najnovejšo glasbeno stvaritev z naslovom Maybe Life Is Good.

SPOTLIGHT: Amazing weekend for Slovenian ski jumpers in Oberstdorf

Coming up SPOTLIGHT: Amazing weekend for Slovenian ski jumpers in Oberstdorf


The past weekend was an outstanding one for Slovenian ski jumpers, starting with a win at the first World Cup super-team ski flying event, followed by a double victory in the first individual event and a second place in the second individual event.

Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton -- Purple Irises

Fresh Cut Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton -- Purple Irises


Zakonca Gwen Stefani in Blake Shelton sta ponovno združila moči in izdala plesno pop skladbo z naslovom Purple Irises.

Jan Tratnik Wins First Big One-day Race of the Season in Belgium

News Jan Tratnik Wins First Big One-day Race of the Season in Belgium


The 202 km long race in the Flemish Ardennes is the first of the cobbled classics season and is part of the UCI World Tour, the top tier of races in world cycling.

Peter Prevc 2nd in Germany, Nika Prevc 2nd in Austria

News Peter Prevc 2nd in Germany, Nika Prevc 2nd in Austria


Peter Prevc's 2nd place came just hours after younger sister Nika had finished 2nd in Hinzenbach, Austria for the 10th podium of her career. That competition was won by local jumper Eva Pinkelnig.

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