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Don't miss Namestite aplikacijo Radioplayer

Na voljo je nova aplikacija za poslušanje slovenskega radia in podkastov. Radioplayer je že na voljo za mobilne telefone, kmalu ga bo podpiralo še več naprav: od pametnih zvočnikov do televizorjev. Že zdaj ga podpirata Android Auto in Apple CarPlay.

On this day 27 July

In 1793, by decree of the revolutionary government the biggest museum in the world is opened in the Louvre. On view in the Louvre are works from the early days of art until this present day. I

Fresh Cut Summer Fresh Cut

We'll be back soon!!!

News Ancient Roman temple likely discovered in Ptuj

Archaeologists in Ptuj in northeastern Slovenia, have likely discovered the remains of a 2nd century Roman temple.

Events Radio Si bo že deseto leto prenašal največjo četvorko maturantov v Sloveniji

Kar 17 slovenskih mest in 23 mest po Evropi pleše istočasno v četvorki v torek, 21. maja, točno ob 12:00. Za prenos glasbe na vsa prizorišča bo poskrbel Radio Si. Vabljeni tudi k nagradni igri.

Radio Si Main Stage Ohladite se...jeseni smo nazaj!!!

Ljubitelji MainStage-a, ni razloga za zaskrbljenost, jeseni se vračamo !!!


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Pogačar cements lead in the Tour de France

Tadej Pogačar cemented his lead in the Tour de France with a commanding win on the 19th stage, outpacing Jonas Vingegaard and Remco Evenepoel.

Wildfire on Mount Trstelj fully under control

A wildfire on Mount Trstelj in the Kras region in western Slovenia, which burned around 150 hectares of forest, is now fully under control.

Großbrand im Karst unter Kontrolle

Der Großbrand zerstörte eine Fläche von 150 Hektar Wald

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