Today is the World day of wetlands. Wetlands are among the most endangered ecosystems in the world. This year the emphasis is on the role of wetlands at preserving biodiversity.

On the 2nd of February 1971 the convention on protection of wetlands was signed in the Irish town of Ramsar.

Wetlands represent important habitats and 40% of all animal and plant species are reproducing in these areas.

Despite the fact that there is awareness on the importance of wetlands, mankind has destroyed 87 % of all wetlands in the world in the last 300 years.

Wetlands are purifying water as the water moves slowly and nutrients and pollutants are sinking effectively.

Also wetlands are important in light of climate change as 30 % of carbon captured on land is captured in peatlands.

The value of ecosystem services from wetlands is calculated higher than those of forests, desserts or grasslands.

Foto: Radio Koper/Mateja Brežan
Foto: Radio Koper/Mateja Brežan