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Slovenian women's tennis makes history

News Slovenian women's tennis makes history


This is the first time in history for the Slovenian women's tennis team to make it among the top four teams in the world!

Flavored tobacco products to be banned

News Flavored tobacco products to be banned


The ban is in line with EU directives on the issue of flavored tobacco products.

The LIFFe film festival opens in Ljubljana

News The LIFFe film festival opens in Ljubljana


The LIFFe international film festival will have screenings at six locations in Ljubjana, as well as in Maribor, Novo Mesto, and Celje. It runs until the 19th of November.

Franja-Krankenhaus bis 2025 für Besucher geschlossen

News Franja-Krankenhaus bis 2025 für Besucher geschlossen


Das Kulturdenkmal wurde von den Unwettern im Sommer beschädigt

Flood recovery bill set for approval in two weeks

News Flood recovery bill set for approval in two weeks


Following a meeting of the parliamentary parties on the drafting of a bill on the post-flood reconstruction effort, Slovenia's Prime Minister, Robert Golob said he was optimistic about reaching a consensus on its content.

Slowenien beginnt Finale des BJK-Cups erfolgreich

News Slowenien beginnt Finale des BJK-Cups erfolgreich


Slowenien spielt am Freitag gegen Kasachstan

Slovenia off to a great start at the World Tennis Championships

News Slovenia off to a great start at the World Tennis Championships


Slovenian tennis stars Kaja Juvan and Tamara Zidanšek kicked off the World Tennis Championships with a victory against Australia, last year's finalists at the Billie Jean King Cup today.

Triglav glacier in steep decline

News Triglav glacier in steep decline


The two patches of ice on Triglav combined measured less than 0.2 hectares, which is the smallest area ever measured.

National Conference on Artificial Intelligence

News National Conference on Artificial Intelligence


At the first Slovenian conference on AI, Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon and Digital Transformation Minister Emilija Stojmenova Duh called for more cooperation and public trust for the successful development of AI in Slovenia.

Algerischer Außenminister zu Besuch in Slowenien

News Algerischer Außenminister zu Besuch in Slowenien


Slowenien und Algerien eröffnen bald Botschaften im jeweiligen Land

Der Präsident Montenegros Milatovič zu Besuch in Slowenien

News Der Präsident Montenegros Milatovič zu Besuch in Slowenien


Auf Einladung der Staatspräsidentin Nataša Pirc Musar kommt heute der neue Präsident von Montenegro Jakov Milatović zu seinem ersten offiziellen Besuch nach Slowenien.

Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency Launches Second Preventive Week

News Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency Launches Second Preventive Week


Almost 40% of road fatalities in 2022 were as a result of drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs, according to the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency.

Judoka Andreja Leški wins European title

News Judoka Andreja Leški wins European title


Slovenian judoka Andreja Leški took first place at the European Judo Championships in Montpellier, France yesterday and secured the title in the under 63kg category.

Erste Niederlage der Saison für Dallas Mavericks

News Erste Niederlage der Saison für Dallas Mavericks


Es ist die erste Niederlage in der neuen Saison für Dallas

The Drava river floods less than feared

News The Drava river floods less than feared


Officials were worried the flooding would be worse, although there are concerns about more rain on Sunday.

A Slovenian Space Strategy 2030

News A Slovenian Space Strategy 2030


Slovenia has adopted its first space strategy until the year 2030. The Economy Ministry said that due to rapid developments in the field, the strategy will periodically be subject to adjustments and changes.

Bewohner von 150 Häusern werden umgesiedelt

News Bewohner von 150 Häusern werden umgesiedelt


Die Menschen müssen innerhalb von 3 Monaten ihre Häuser verlassen

Red alert issued for north-west Slovenia

News Red alert issued for north-west Slovenia


Heavy rain and strong winds are forecast for this afternoon, evening and night.

Erster November ist Tag des Gedenkens an die Toten

News Erster November ist Tag des Gedenkens an die Toten


Die Staatspräsidentin Nataša Pirc Musar hat zum Tag des Gedenkens an die Toten in Begleitung einer Staatsdelegation einen Kranz am Mahnmal für alle Kriegsopfer in Ljubljana niedergelegt.

Pirc Musar lays wreath at war memorial

News Pirc Musar lays wreath at war memorial


As part of All Saints' Day ceremonies Slovenian president Nataša Pirc Musar laid a wreath at the Memorial to All Victims of War and War-Related Victims in Ljubljana today.

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