
According to Slovenian police four joint patrols a week are planned, three on the Slovenian side of and one on the Italian side.

The patrols will be carried out in sections where frequent illegal crossings of the border are detected.

The measure is also a clear signal to traffickers of illegal migrants that prosecution of offences can also be carried out over the fled border.

Italian Minister of Interior Matteo Salvini said on Thursday that, if the mixed patrols failed to prevent illegal migration, Italy would erect physical obstacles on the border with Slovenia.

Slovenian president Borut Pahor welcomed the measure when speaking with representatives of both umbrella Slovenian minority organisations in Italy.

Pahor stated further that the border must remain open for the mutual benefit of both nations and countries.

The Slovenian police have already participated in this way with Austria and Hungary, while Italy already has mixed patrols with Austria, Switzerland and France.