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Festival dokumentarnega filma

Coming up Festival dokumentarnega filma


V tekmovalnem programu bo prikazanih pet filmov na temo človekovih pravic, med njimi tudi film režiserke Maje Waiss

Heute 5. Etappe der Rundfahrt Paris-Nizza

News Heute 5. Etappe der Rundfahrt Paris-Nizza


Das Rennen endet am Sonntag

Police have arrested Brežice shooter

News Police have arrested Brežice shooter


Police have arrested a 62-year-old man who fired shots in the southeastern Slovenian town of Brežice last night.

MGMT Feat. Christine And The Queens – Dancing In Babylon

Fresh Cut MGMT Feat. Christine And The Queens – Dancing In Babylon


Konec prejšnjega meseca je ameriški rock dvojec MGMT izdal težko pričakovani peti studijski album Loss in Life.

Andreja Katič takes over the Ministry of Justice

News Andreja Katič takes over the Ministry of Justice


Andreja Katič officially took charge of the Justice Ministry today, taking over from her predecessor Dominika Švarc Pipan.

Katič übernimmt die Leitung des Justizministeriums

News Katič übernimmt die Leitung des Justizministeriums


Sloweniens neue Justizministerin Andreja Katič hat heute von ihrer Vorgängerin Dominika Švarc Pipan die Amtsgeschäfte und somit die Leitung des Ressorts übernommen.

Two Slovenian climbers complete historic ascent

News Two Slovenian climbers complete historic ascent


The third time was the charm for the pair of climbers.

Linkin Park - Friendly Fire

Fresh Cut Linkin Park - Friendly Fire


Priljubljena ameriška rock zasedba Linkin Park je pred dnevi izdala single z naslovom Friendly Fire in tako napovedala album Papercuts, ki bo izšel sredi aprila in na katerem bodo njihove uspešnice, nastale med leti 2000 in 2017.

Kranjska gora giant slalom cancelled

News Kranjska gora giant slalom cancelled


The unseasonably warm weather is partly to blame.

SZA – Saturn

Fresh Cut SZA – Saturn


Solána Imani Rowe, ki jo morda poznate pod imenom SZA, je po uspešni izdaji albuma SOS, izdala single z naslovom Saturn.

Slovenia observes 41st Cancer Awareness Week

News Slovenia observes 41st Cancer Awareness Week


Slovenia is currently observing its 41st Cancer Awareness Week. It highlights the threat of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

Program Svit je med nami že 15 let

Coming up Program Svit je med nami že 15 let


Ženske se na povabilo Svita odzivajo boljše, preko 70%, za 11 odstotne točke pa se slabše odzivajo moški.

Kings of Leon – Mustang

Fresh Cut Kings of Leon – Mustang


Skladba z naslovom Mustang je najnovejši single priljubljene ameriške rock zasedbe Kings of Leon, ki bo sredi maja izdala deveti studijski album Can We Please Have Fun. Pesem pritegne pozornost z nalezljivo mešanico uporniškega rocka.

45th Pruning of Old Vine Takes Place in Maribor

News 45th Pruning of Old Vine Takes Place in Maribor


The annual pruning of the world's oldest vine, or Stara trta, took place in Maribor this morning. In keeping with tradition, five grafts were given to two Slovenian and three foreign recipients. It brings to 150 the number of cuttings from the vine.

Pogačar Wins Strade Bianche in Tuscany

News Pogačar Wins Strade Bianche in Tuscany


The world no.1 cyclist broke away from the main peleton with 81 km to go. He came home after nearly 5 hours and 20 minutes of racing, just under 3 minutes ahead of his nearest rivals, Toms Skujinš of Latvia and Maxim Van Gils of Belgium.

Katič receives green light from parliamentary Judicial Committee

News Katič receives green light from parliamentary Judicial Committee


Andreja Katič, nominee for justice minister, received the green light from the parliamentary Judicial Committee today.

Andreja Katič wird neue Justizministerin

News Andreja Katič wird neue Justizministerin


Der zuständige Außenausschuss gab heute grünes Licht für ihre Ernennung.

Ärzte verschärfen ihren Streik

News Ärzte verschärfen ihren Streik


Rund 30 % der Ärzte haben ihre Überstundenzustimmuing zurückgezogen, die Regierung reagiert mit einem Dekret.

Slovenia's Nika Križnar wins World Cup event in Lahti

News Slovenia's Nika Križnar wins World Cup event in Lahti


It was the sixth individual World Cup career win for 23-year-old Križnar, and the first this season.

Tina Vrščaj für EU-Literaturpreis nominiert

News Tina Vrščaj für EU-Literaturpreis nominiert


Tina Vrščaj ist für ihren dritten Roman mit dem Titel "Auf dem Hügel" für den EU-Literaturpreis nominiert worden.

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