Foto: Reuters
Foto: Reuters

In 1951, the American actor Robin Williams is born. After his film debut in the musical comedy Popeye, he starred in widely acclaimed films, including Good Morning, Vietnam, Mrs. Doubtfire, Dead Poets Society, Awakenings. . . Williams committed suicide in 2014.

In 2007 the seventh novel of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is released. It sold 15 million copies in the first 24 hours following its release.


1973 - Jim Croce is at the top of the American singles chart with 'Bad, Bad Leroy Brown'.

1987 - Guns' N' Roses released their debut album Appetite for Destruction (featuring 'Welcome to the Jungle', 'Sweet Child o' Mine', and 'Paradise City').


1947 - English singer Cat Stevens ('Morning Has Broken'). In 1977 he became a Muslim and renamed himself Yusef Islam.

1981 - Paloma Faith, British singer ('New York').


Leta 1899 se je rodil ameriški pisatelj Ernest Hemingway. Bil je glavni predstavnik t. i. izgubljene generacije med obema vojnama. Napisal je romane Komu zvoni, Zbogom orožje, Sneg pod Kilimandžarom, Starec in morje. Leta 1961 je naredil samomor.

Leta 1951 se je rodil ameriški igralec Robin Williams. Igral je v filmih Dobro jutro Vietnam, Očka v krilu, Društvo mrtvih pesnikov, Prebujenje, Patch Adams, oskarja mu je prinesla vloga v filmu Dobri Will Hunting. Leta 2014 je naredil samomor.

Leta 2007 je izšla sedma knjige o čarovniku Potterju z naslovom Harry Potter in svetinje smrti. Prvi dan prodaje jo je kupilo 15 milijonov ljudi, tako je postala najhitreje prodajana knjiga na svetu.


1973 - Jim Croce je na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov z 'Bad, Bad Leroy Brown'.

1987 - Guns' N' Roses izdajo svoj debitantski album Appetite for Destruction (na njem so tudi 'Welcome to the Jungle', 'Sweet Child o' Mine', and 'Paradise City').


1947 - angleški pevec Cat Stevens ('Morning Has Broken'). Leta 1977 se je pridružil muslimanski veri in se preimenoval v Yusefa Islama.

1981 - Paloma Faith, britanska pevka ('New York').