Robbie Williams Foto: Reuters
Robbie Williams Foto: Reuters

In 1945 author Evald Flisar is born.

In 1945 the allied bombing of Dresden begins. Over a period of two days the city was almost completely destroyed and 245. 000 people died.

In 1953 runner Dušan Mravlje is born. He won more than 60 ultra marathons around the world.

In 1974 Soviet authorities deprive Literary Nobel Prize winner Aleksander Isajevič Solženitsyn of his citizenship and expel him from the USSR because he relentlessly criticized Soviet politics.


1969 - Bob Dylan recorded versions of 'Lay, Lady, Lay'.

1996 - Take That split up.


1950 - English singer Peter Gabriel, who was also a member of the group Genesis. He begins his solo career with the song 'Sledgehammer'.

1950 - Roger Christian, singer in The Christians ('Harvest for the World').

1974 - British singer , who began his musical career as a member of the group Take That. In 1988 he began his solo career with the hit 'Millennium', which shot immediately to the No. 1 spot on many music charts.



Leta 1883 je v Benetkah umrl nemški skladatelj Richard Wagner, mojster romantičnih oper Večni mornar, ter Tristan in Izolda.

Leta 1945 se je rodil pisatelj Evald Flisar, avtor Čarovnikovega vajenca.

Leta 1945 se je pričelo zavezniško bombardiranje Dresdena, kjer je umrlo 245.000 ljudi.

Leta 1953 se je rodil tekač Dušan Mravlje. Zmagal je na več kot 60 ultramaratonih po vsem svetu.

Leta 1974 so sovjetske oblasti odvzele državljanstvo pisatelju in Nobelovcu Aleksandru Isajeviču Solženicinu in ga izgnale, ker je kritiziral sovjetsko politiko.


1969 - Bob Dylan posname pesem 'Lay, Lady, Lay'.

1996 - člani skupine Take That se razidejo.

2002 - umrl je ameriški pevec country glasbe Waylon Jennings.


1950 - Peter Gabriel, angleški pevec, tudi član skupine Genesis. Samostojno kariero je začel s pesmijo 'Sledgehammer'.

1974 - Robbie Williams, britanski pevec, ki je glasbeno pot začel kot član Take That. Leta 1988 je začel solo kariero z uspešnico 'Millennium', ki je osvojila vrhove glasbenih lestvic.