Photo: EPA Foto:
Photo: EPA Foto:

In 1769, in Ajaccio the French military leader and emperor of all the French, Napoleon Bonaparte is born. He died in exile on the British island of St. Helena.

In 1771, in Edinburgh, the Scottish poet and writer, founder of the historical novels, Walter Scott is born. His most famous work is the novel Ivanhoe.

In 1914, the Panama Canal, linking the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, is officially opened.

In 1947, India after decades of battles won independence. On the peninsula were formed two countries. Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan, between which there is a distance of more than 1500 km.

In 1972, actor Ben Affleck is born.


1960 - Elvis Presley is 5 weeks at the top of the American singles chart with the song 'It's Now Or Never', which was also top of the charts in Great Britain.

1964 - Actor and singer Dean Martin takes the No. 1 spot on the American singles chart with 'Everybody Loves Somebody'.

1969 - Woodstock Festival is held on Max Yasgur's 600 acre farm in Bethel, near New York. Attended by over 400,000 people, the event featured, Jimi Hendrix, Joe Cocker, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Santana, The Who, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Janis Joplin. . .

1981 - Diana Ross and Lionel Richie were 9 weeks at the top of the American singles chart with 'Endless Love'.

1987 - Michael Jackson is top of the British singles chart with the song 'I Just Can't Stop Loving You'.


1933 - Bill Pinkney, singer in the group The Drifters (1960 'Save The Last Dance For Me').

1933 - Bobby Helms, country singer, known for the hit from 1957 ‘Jingle Bell Rock’.



Leta 1038 je umrl madžarski kralj Štefan I. , ki je vladal od leta 997 do svoje smrti. Na Madžarskem je uvedel krščanstvo.

Leta 1769 se je rodil francoski vojskovodja Napoleon Bonaparte. Umrl je v izgnanstvu na otoku Sv. Helena.

Leta 1771 se je v Edinburghu rodil škotski pesnik, utemeljitelj zgodovinskega romana, Walter Scott. Najbolj znano delo je roman Ivanhoe.

Leta 1914 so odprli Panamski prekop in povezali Atlantski in Tihi ocean. Leta 1947 je Indija po več desetletnih bojih dobila neodvisnost. Na polotoku sta nastali dve državi. Hinduistična Indija in muslimanski Pakistan, med katerima je več kot 1500 km razdalje.

Leta 1972 se je rodil igralec Ben Affleck.


1960 - Elvis Presley je na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov s skladbo 'It's Now Or Never', ki je na vrhu lestvice tudi v Angliji.

1964 - igralec, pevec Dean Martin je na vrhu ameriške lestvice s pesmijo 'Everybody Loves Somebody'.

1969 - v Woodstocku se je začel legendarni glasbeni festival, obiskalo ga je okoli 400,000 ljudi, na njem so med drugimi nastopili Jimi Hendrix, Joe Cocker, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Santana, The Who, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Janis Joplin. . .

1981 - Diana Ross in Lionel Richie sta na vrhu ameriške lestvice singlov s skladbo 'Endless Love'.

1987 - Michael Jackson je na vrhu britanske lestvice singlov s skladbo 'I Just Can't Stop Loving You'.


1933 - Bill Pinkney, pevec skupine The Drifters (1960 'Under the boardwalk').

1933 - Bobby Helms, country pevec, znan po hitu iz leta 1957 ‘Jingle Bell Rock’.